

CCDC 駐團編舞家桑吉加全新作品《後感性‧實相》為2017舞季揭開序幕。作品名字包含了中國90年代藝術思潮「後感性」及佛學用語「實相」。兩個看似毫不相關的概念,是怎樣拼在一起?且看桑吉加親自分享!

CCDC Resident Choreographer Sang Jijia’s latest work “Post-Perception/Transcendence” kicks off 2017 Dance Season. The title consists of “Post-Perception” and “Dharmatā” (here refers to “Transcendence”). “Dharmata” is a Buddhism term in Sanskrit, meaning the whole of things as they are. “Post-Perception” is a concept put forward by some Chinese artists in 1990s when Conceptual Art became popular; they questioned about what’s its meaning, what’s its value as a concept being formed? In this video, Sang Jijia talks about how he got the ideas of creating his new piece with these two different concepts.

Choreography : Sang Jijia

劇作指導/文本創作 :鄧樹榮
Dramaturgy/Text : Tang Shu-wing

原創音樂 :李勁松
Original Music : Dickson Dee

佈景設計 :張國永
Set Design : Leo Cheung

服裝設計 :何珮姍
Costume Design : Cindy Ho Pui-shan

燈光設計 :劉詩豪

Lighting Design : Low Shee Hoe

音響設計 :夏恩蓓

Sound Design : Ha Yan-pui
31.3 – 1.4.2017
Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
$280, $220, 160

門票現於城市售票網公開發售 www.urbtix.hk
Tickets NOW available at URBTIX



一开始,很好奇来自藏族大草的桑吉加,如何可以编导出一部纪录香港情怀的舞作?后来才得知,原来他曾于1999至2003年间在香港生活,此次作为城市当代舞蹈团驻团编舞返港之作,他注力于如何再现香港的“当下发生”。不同于香港编舞那种都市快时尚节奏,桑吉加好像在香港这个商业都会中,透过编排/摆放舞者,构建出一座回归内心的“坛城”, 深入且细腻地探讨着城市与人的关系。





(圖:Conrado Dy-Liacco )

(圖:Conrado Dy-Liacco )




如果中文英文各自表述,還可求個相安無事,那麼即使發音不準、用字錯誤,連表達的能力好像都被剝奪了,還是要說普通話的,是出於恐懼還是巴結?樂知靄反穿着西裝上衣,用半鹹不淡的普通話述說香港本土抗爭的符號之一、人稱「喜帖街」的利東街的故事。在她不遠處可見一雙穿西褲的小腿交疊着,觀眾看不見其上身,但小腿的方向明確表示視線的對象:「Big Brother is watching you。」英文也漸漸翻譯不出喜帖街的故事,還是借一首廣東話流行曲,比較穩妥。



十九世紀法國地理學家Élisée Reclus說:「人類生命的每一個時刻都與當時環境的改變相符合。」城市當代舞蹈團的舞者年齡跨度大,在2003年「沙士」發生時,他們當中有三十歲的成年人,也有十來歲的青年,眾人對每天載着口罩的身體大概會有非常不同的記憶吧!當他們以相似的感覺呈現那場改變香港人的疫症時,我不禁想到,舞團本身已經成為了一種美學上的規範,身體如何放置反映腦袋中的價值觀,標準在一代又一代之間傳承之際,與「當代」的本質,漸行漸遠。



ps: 更正:文中提及說普通話的舞者應為Pansy Lo

via: thestandnews.com

Review- Fragile Beauty- CCDC

By: Keren Chaukria

Fragile Beauty tells the story of Hong Kong, taking you through the changes the city has seen over the years through modern dance. Indeed, from choreographer Sang Jijia’s perspective, the city has seen many changes over the thirteen years he has been gone and this 75 minute dance piece takes you through the personal and political journey the city and its people have experienced.

The moment the lights came up the dancers on stage instantly command the attention of the audience. The ensemble moved as one, showing an immense power, and strength, and as the story progressed, you could begin to see manipulation taking place within the city. This was represented through stylized, repetitive sequences that brought more of a political theme to the progression of Hong Kong. The movement of the dancers showed continuous strain, drawing attention to the multiple and varied political struggles that have taken place over the years.

Individual stories began to unfold, not just through dance, but through spoken word in both English and Cantonese, by some of the dancers. Stories were told sentence by sentence, first in Cantonese, then English. The triumvirate of dance, English, and Cantonese all happening simultaneously was quite powerful at times, however, there were moments when one or the other felt redundant, due to the size of the stage, and placement of the cast. At one point, there was a pair of dancers positioned upstage right who were verbally telling a story, and the accompanying dancers were as far away as possible, being positioned downstage left. Unfortunately, it was difficult to appreciate either piece in times like these.

That being said, there were moments where the combination of all three allowed the audience to have a clearer understanding of the situation, and the effects that change can have to not just society as a whole but the individual, and the hardship and struggles they may experience.

The performance utilised a number of different staging techniques. One of the most memorable being a section of silhouette dancers. Their stylized movement was sophistically staged and breathtaking from the moment they began. The fluidity of movement, and effortless choreography transported the audience with every move to moments they have experienced, and can relate to in Hong Kong life. It is without a doubt, that Sang Jijia captured the life, and soul of the city through its numerous changes.

Even if you’re not one for modern dance, the music, and lighting in the performance will blow you away, as it too emphasises the change, growth, and cultural identity of Hong Kong. The deep, turbulent drums expressed the anger and frustration many feel with change, as the warm, familiar, but sometimes dim lighting kept you company throughout.

Fragile Beauty is a must see for anyone who feels a connection with this city, or culture.

Fragile Beauty is playing at the Kwai Tsing Theatre through June 4th. For more information, click here.


Review: Fragile Beauty by City Contemporary Dance Company

A grim picture of the decline of happiness in Hong Kong, with relentless movement and enough screeching to warrant earplugs

by:Natasha Rogai

Internationally acclaimed Tibetan choreographer Sang Jijia’s last creation for City Contemporary Dance Company was the award-winning As If To Nothing in 2009. Last year he became the troupe’s resident choreographer and Fragile Beauty is his first new work in that role.

The premise of the production is the decline of life and happiness (the “fragility of beauty”) in a city – here, presumably, Hong Kong.

There are glimpses of Sang’s undoubted skill as a choreographer, but the piece resorts too much to dialogue instead of expressing ideas through movement and while it’s good to see artists tackle major local issues, the picture Sang paints is so unremittingly bleak that it fails to engage.

The piece opens with all the dancers on stage wearing long, brightly coloured skirts, in which they whirl and swirl before trooping off and returning in grim, prison uniform like costumes of white and grey which set the tone for the rest of the performance.

The choreography bears Sang’s hallmarks of relentless kineticism and emphasis on ensemble work, where the dancers’ individuality is suppressed in favour of the group.

There are some striking images, notably where a row of dancers spread out across the stage, slowly sink to their knees in unison while others continue to move. However, the choreography’s insistence on constant motion becomes tiring to watch.

Contrast is similarly lacking in terms of emotion – the city is portrayed as a nightmare in which its hapless residents are trapped, with no note of hope.

There are scenes of violence and chaos (a reference to Occupy Central and its aftermath, perhaps). One trio, with two men brutally attacking a girl who screams at the top of her voice throughout, is almost unendurable, not least for the ears.

Another sequence, which appears to refer to Sars, employs multiple voices speaking at the same time and a lot of shrill screeching – the result is excruciating and makes one long to push a mute button.

Two appealing monologues (in Chinese with English translation) by dancers about their childhood memories of Hong Kong and how old neighbourhoods have been transformed provide some respite from the tension but are overlong and seem disconnected from the rest of the piece.

The dancers perform with commendable energy and commitment. Dickson Dee’s menacing, percussion-dominated score contributes to the sense of angst, as does Sang’s cleverly conceived, claustrophobic set of moving dark grey walls which hem in the stage.

Fragile Beauty

City Contemporary Dance Company

Kwai Tsing Theatre

Reviewed: June 3