【2016艺象声音现场艺术节】声音艺术家介绍 ABOUT ARTISTS


此次首届艺象声音艺术节,重点突出在艺术现场的实验性与即兴性,都是体现在艺术家们经验的现时表现力与感染力上,艺术区特别邀请了国内外八位声音艺术家的参与,著名的珊寇Sainkho(图瓦/奥地利)、著名的“美妍 & 朴” Miyeon & Park(韩国双人组)、著名的实验声音艺术家奥拉夫·豪赫兹Olaf Hochherz(德国)、世界实验声音圈最活跃的声音艺术家李劲松Dickson Dee(香港)、著名聲音藝術家陳伯達以及两位深圳本土的声音艺术家沈丕基、陆正Zen lu。在两天的艺术节中,既有各位艺术家独立的表演又有各种的即兴互动,以及24号晚19:30开始的集体,23号下午16:00,还将有一场别开生面的“Sainkho Namchylak Food Art”珊寇唱作展。


美妍 & 朴 ” Miyeon & Park” (韩国)

由钢琴手美妍和打击乐器演奏者朴在千组成的双人“美妍 & 朴”, 在数年期间成为代表韩国以及亚洲的最高的即兴音乐演奏组合。他们的融合了自由爵士乐、国乐、现代古典、摇滚乐核心的音乐在过去10多年期间通过许多表演成功地表现了21世纪型即兴音乐的全新代案。这在美国的爵士乐与亚洲的独特而深沉, 以及非常直观的精神世界结合而成的令人惊叹的崭新形态的艺术。

“美妍 & 朴”的演奏具有可以用构成即兴的语法来形容的最高水准的音乐性。以明了的旋律和接近为基础的他们的音乐展现了与众不同的独创主题, 通过令人惊叹的演奏力和丰富的表现力促使其高效地发展。

“美妍 & 朴”DUO的最终目标之一是将韩国音乐的传统融入他们的作品中。这并非单纯地意味着将爵士乐和韩国音乐混合在一起。虽然“美妍&朴”DUO既不是爵士乐, 也不是国乐, 但是兼具两者之美德的全新风格的音乐。

“Sainkho Namchylak FoodArt” 珊寇唱作展


Sainkho Namchylak,中国铁杆都叫她“珊寇”,作为全球顶尖的声音艺术家,在声音艺术领域里是很多人膜拜的偶像,而且是神仙级的,大家并不陌生。

生于图瓦共和国,祖先是游牧民族,自小学习歌唱,曾组过民谣摇滚乐团。长大后远赴莫斯科学习声乐,除学习图瓦传统的双声唱法,也包括喇嘛与萨满巫教的传统声乐技巧。从 1989年起,Sainkho开始跨足欧洲前卫即兴乐界,学习更多元化的发声技巧,并致力挖掘双声唱法与其他音乐风格融合的可能性。


此外, “Sainkho with her friends”即兴声音演出,是Sainkho “Food Art唱作展”的一部分。届时,Sainkho和她的朋友香港著名声音艺术家李劲松,将为现场观众一起带来全球顶尖的真正发烧的声音体验。Sainkho 出神入化的演唱技巧让人惊艳,结合图瓦传统双声唱法、喇嘛与萨满巫教的传统声乐与当代发声技巧,时而像歌剧男高音般清亮,时而像鸟鸣、孩童撒娇、深沉的低吟,人们不免拿她跟Bjork、Zap Mama、Patti Smith、Nina Hagen或者Maja Ratkje相提并论。

2002年由德国女导演Erika von Moeller执导的纪录片《Sainkho》正式面世,让世人对Sainkho的生活有更深层的了解,同年Sainkho更获家乡图瓦颁发“二十世纪图瓦最具创意成就奖”。

归根到底,奠定Sainkho在当今乐坛的特殊地位以及赋予她的音乐跨乐种、跨文化吸引力的,却是她一直坚持的实验精神。从她每张专辑都试图破格,把别具一格的演唱结合西方前卫爵士、即兴音乐、各地传统乐以致电子乐,加上诗化歌词,Sainkho成功塑造出一种特别强调声音技巧表现、而兼具许多不同国家传统的世界音乐。著名音乐杂志《The Wire》这样形容Sainkho的音乐:运用打击效果的喘息、啧舌声与高音域尖叫作为表情,在流行与传统音乐之外独树一帜,立足于完全不同的境界:一个纯人类、受此纪律驱动而超凡的境界。

奧拉夫 · 豪赫兹 Olaf Hochherz(柏林)



李劲松 Dickosn Dee  (中國香港)


1996年,李劲松首张个人专辑《PAST》在JohnZorn的Tzadik唱片公司出版。从此他便踏上音乐创作的道路。他的音乐风格多样,从Avant Garde到具象、新古典到工业噪音、跳舞音乐或电声民族爵士皆广泛涉猎。李劲松拥有多个创作代号并与不同的音乐家组成乐队或组合。例如DJ Dee用以创作实验电子,Li ChinSung则专注具象和Avant Garde,PNF则是专为创作工业噪音而设,KhoomiSound Machine,则是他开始电声民族爵士的尝试的又一新的代号,在这队融合了蒙古长调、自由爵士和实验电子的乐团里,李劲松负责电子原音、采样、唱盘等声响的设计。



李劲松也参与包括中国独立电影和现代舞的配乐创作,他的配乐作品包括导演朱文的《小东西》、《火星纪事乐队》,《三元里》, 著名编舞家桑吉加的《Pa I Ethos》、《Pathos》、 《NotHere/Not Ever》、《重置》、《那一年,这一天》、《前定的暗色》、《无以名状》、编舞家刘琦的《临池》、《The CityRace》、《临池舞墨》,编舞家侯莹的《Burning》,《Tang andSong》,和參加了一些重要艺朮或音乐节如意大利威尼斯双年展和佛罗伦萨FabbricaEuroppa艺术节(2008,2014,2015),德国科隆三年音乐节,日本横浜三年展和北九洲双年展,瑞典Clandestino音乐节,香港新視野艺术节(2006,2010),波兰MovingCloser 艺术节,韩国现代和民俗艺术节,台北城市艺术节,广州电影节,星加坡華艺艺术节,深圳建築双年展(2006,2008,2010),上海国际艺术节(2013,2015),城市游牧艺术节在乌兰巴托,城市游牧艺术节在柏林,哥斯达黎加国际艺术节,香港國際詩歌之夜,香港艺术节等等。

陳柏達 Wilmer Chan(中國香港)


2012年于美国威斯康辛州的劳轮斯大学读取作曲系学士,现活跃于即兴音乐创作。除了近年来参与香港西九文化区管理局数码艺术项目<拾年>,多媒体剧场<1984>、<掌心的鱼>的创作和演出外,比较重要的经验分别是和乐手OlafHochherz、 Nelson Hiu、丰住芳三郎 ;作曲家 MartijnTellinga 和 The Deep Listening Band 的合作。

陸正 Zen Lu (深圳)

陆正,电子音乐家、声音艺术家、We Play! Records及Neo Sound(离骚)新艺术团体和艺术活动创办人,中国和波兰跨国音乐交流项目”ChoP”发起人之一,N2新媒体艺术小组成员,生活、工作于深圳。

2007年初主持创立深圳独立音乐厂牌We Play! Records,组织策划演出,与来自世界各地的艺术家演出和交流。陆正也为戏剧及电影创作配乐,他的数字声音和音乐倾向于绵密、细致和简约的风格。

曾参加香港SAND Festival(2006)、香港新视野艺术节(2006)、瑞典ClandestinoFestival(2007)、波兰Moving Closer International New Media Festival(2007)以及ChineseSound Art in Poland(2007)、大声展(2007) 、深圳-香港城市/建筑双城双年展(2005、2007)、多伦多SoundReach(2009)、香港建筑是艺术节(2009)、华沙电子音乐节(2010)、ChoP ontour in Poland(2010)、上海世博会德国馆”都市未来之声”(2010)、第八届上海双年展(2010)、ChoP Tourin Europe(2011)、ChoP中国巡演(2011)、北京国际设计周(2012)、德-中爵士即兴音乐节(2012,2013)、ChoP音乐节(2012, 2013)、CO-SOUND 艺术节 (2013)、ChoP+Moss 欧洲联合巡演(2013)、声闻系列(2014)、re:source音乐节(2014)、Polyphonia音乐节(2014)、BOK戏剧艺术节(2015)。

沈丕基  Shen Piji (深圳)

独立艺术家 声音艺术家




via: 艺象iDTOWN


alice on yt 


 w on yt


yao on yt

Chung-Han YAO

rex on yt 

Rex Chen


失聲祭Listen 1 陳奕仲 Rex Chen / DJ Rex

失聲祭Listen 1 姚仲涵 Chung-Han YAO

失聲祭Listen 2  張惠笙 Alice Hui-Sheng Chang

失聲祭Listen 2   謝仲其 Wolfenstein


Institute of Sound-Awakening Battersea

Awakening Battersea
A Sound Project by IOS(Institute of Sound)

Battersea Power Station

Curator: Ou Ning
Producers: Yan Jun, Lawrence Li Ruyi

Track List

01 718: Better Sea 6:07
02 Bai+ian: Silence 8:28
03 Chen Wei: Unnamed Theatre 10:00
04 Feng Jiangzhou: Intimate Space 2:00
05 Hitlike: Walking 3:08
06 Huanqing: Pemo Ritual of Yi Ethnic People 46:28
07 Jin Shan: Uncertain Memory 2:37
08 Li Chin-sung: Lcszk 28:18
09 Li Jianhong: EVP 13:34
10 Dead J: China Fuzz (Ping-pong remix) 5:25
11 Ronez: i.Mao Damned GCR ii.Coming Dead Song iii.High Into Sky Out of Sky iv.Light will Fade Out 4:00
12 Me:Mo: Pro.A 4:28
13 Torturing Nurse: Repeating Machine 6:40
14 Wang Changcun: Dream Reflection 32:17
15 Wang Fan: Above the Sun 8:16
16 Wu Quan: Two Persons Totally a Time in Afternoon 11:32
17 Xu Cheng: English Corner 9:57
18 Yan Jun: Evoking Sanlitun 8:19
19 Zafka: When Hong Kong Harbours London 12:11
20 Zhong Minjie & Lin Zhiying: We bring a lion and a tiger to Battersea, put them at both sides of the entrance, please treat them well, every one of you, every single moment, every second, past, now, and forever….. 15:21

Commissioned by:

China Power Station Part 1
A major exhibition of Chinese contemporary art, architecture and sound
At Battersea Power Station, London
Presented by Serpentine Gallery
8 October-5 November, 2006

exhibition of sound art from chinese artists

In 2008 curators Lawrence English and Zoe Butt will be presenting an exhibition of sound art from chinese artists. The exhibition will be a touring one, to be shown in a variety of cities in Australia, New Zealand and other Asian centres. We are currently seeking artists for this exhibition and are hoping that artists can contribute works on cd or for installations send documentation/catalogues/cds etc of the works for consideration. Artists are welcome to meet with Lawrence English when he is in China this august – contact can be made via Dickson Dee/Noise Asia or by sending mail to the address below.

2008年, lawrence english 和 zoe butt 將舉辦中國聲音藝術的巡迴展覽. 地點包括澳洲, 新西蘭以及其他亞洲國家的主要城市. 目前, 我們正尋找藝術家參與是次展覽. 希望有興趣的藝術家可以提供他們的作品 CD, 文字介紹, 目錄等相關資料以供審議. 另外, 亦歡迎有興趣者在八月 lawrence english 來華其間與他約見詳談. 聯絡方式可通過 Dickson Dee/Noise Asia 或去信至以下地址:


Dickson Dee / Noise Asia
POBox 34867 King’s Road Hong Kong China


after Cologne AUDIO-ELF soccer sound art exhibition, now all the pieces in Mexico City this Saturday in the Experimental Museum El Eco.

Los compositores son: Javier Álvarez (México), Rajivan Ayyappan (India),
Dickson Dee (China), Christian Galarreta (Perú), Erdem Helvacioglu (Turquía), Suk-Jun Kim (Corea), Mario Marcelo Mary (Argentina), Manuel Rocha Iturbide (México), Atau Tanaka (Japón), Nicolás Vaurchavsky (Argentina) y Edson Zampronha (Brasil).
Museo Experimental El ECO
Sullivan 43
Col. San Rafael, 06470, México, D.F.
Tel. y Fax (55) 55355186

Soccer World Cup Sound-Art Project

Sport and music – in the past, this has meant raucous fan chanting and national players’ attempts to sing. As of now, New Music will also play an important role.

Mexican sound artist Manuel Rocha-Iturbide has invited eleven composers from ten non-European countries to translate their thoughts on sport and space into sounds.

Javier Alvarez (Mexico), Rajivan Ayyappan (India), Dickson Dee (China), Christian Galarreta (Peru), Erdem Helvacioglu (Turkey), Suk-Jun Kim (Korea), Mario Marcelo Mary (Argentina), Manuel Rocha Iturbide (Mexico), Atau Tanaka (Japan), Nicolas Vaurchavsky (Argentina) and Edson Zampronha (Brazil).

The result is AUDIO:ELF. Eleven audio plays in 5.1 Surround format, a technology that is currently taking living rooms by storm, put listeners in the very midst of things.

All pieces are commissioned works. After their world debut at the opening event, they can be listened to in the specially equipped Surround room at the Museum für Angewandte Kunst. Via a control panel, the compositions can be selected and information retrieved about the composers and their music.


Museum für Angewandte Kunst
An der Rechtschule
Preview: 14th June, 19 h
Opening times: 15th June – 9th July
Closed on Monady
11 – 17 h
Admission: 5/3 EUR

Soccer World Cup Sound-Art Project

5.1 sound system soccer-sound-art project that now has a name: AUDIO-ELF, the project is part of SCORECOLOGNE , a cultural project organised by the FIFA World Cup city of Cologne with art, film and music and will start happening on june 15th till, July 9 in the Museum für Angewandte Kunst. see here for the sound artrists list.

sound, screen, performance

A cultural project organised by the FIFA World Cup city of Cologne
with art, film and music
11th June – 9th July 2006
Admission: 5–3 Euro, nomadenkino free of charge
For the latest information, visit: www.scorecologne.net

For four whole weeks, everything in Cologne will revolve around the subject of football. SCORECOLOGNE, a cultural programme organised by the FIFA World Cup city of Cologne, will make sure our other senses don’t miss out on the fun. Suspense, surprise, interaction and imaginative fun are guaranteed by the four programme items BrückenMusik12, Audio:Elf, nomadenkino and colourscape. And they all come under one motto: the most important thing is the experience!

BrückenMusik 12
Exhibition and concerts in the “Hohlkasten”
Deutzer Bridge (entrance Markmannsgasse/Altstadt)
13th June – 9th July
Starts: Sunday, 11th June, 16 hrs.
Opening times: Tues. – Sun. 15 – 19 hrs.

Hidden in the depths of Deutzer Bridge and only rarely open to the public is an architectural curiosity: the “Hohlkasten”, or box girder, a succession of three chambers between sky and water, 10 metres wide, between two and a half and five metres high, the middle one almost 180 metres long, the outer ones 130 metres. Cold neon lighting, bare concrete walls, supply pipes, few look-outs, echoes lasting 15 seconds, the unmistakable noise of road traffic and passing boats – for every artist who works here, the Hohlkasten in Deutzer Bridge represents a fascinating challenge.

Within the framework of SCORECOLOGNE, sound artists Akio Suzuki (Japan) and Paul DeMarinis (USA) and visual artist An Seebach (Germany) have been invited to face this challenge at the twelfth edition of the BrückenMusik series. Together, they form a fascinating ensemble with a penchant for experimentation. Suzuki is subtly minimalist, DeMarinis mischievously technological and the German artist narratively rich in images.

The BrückenMusik series has taken place in Deutzer Bridge annually since 1994. The unique blend of audio-visual installations and concerts has earned the event a reputation well beyond the boundaries of Cologne.

The “traffic jam” concert programme held inside the garage in front of the bridge introduces international artists, who make use of the erratic ambient noises as sources of sound and as “duo-partners”.

traffic jam concerts in BrückenMusik 12:
Sunday, 11th June, 19.30 hrs.: “the hub” (San Francisco/Los Angeles), the world’s first computer network ensemble founded in 1987, on tour today with their laptop ensemble: sounding the chat. Joined by Anton Lukoszevieze, violoncellist, from London.

Thursday, 22nd June, 19.30 hrs.: 4 commissioned compositions for live electronic music, especially for the bridge acoustics and background sounds, by Anne La Berge (Amsterdam), Josef Novotny (Vienna), Volker Straebel (Berlin) and Esther Venrooy (Gent). An acoustic contrast is provided by Giovanni Fontana (Rome) with onomatopoeic voice improvisations and recitations of futurist poems.

Audio plays revolving around the subject of balls
Museum für Angewandte Kunst
Starts: Wednesday, 14th June, 19 hrs.
Opening times: 15th June – 9th July, Tuesday to Sunday 11 – 17 hrs.

Sport and music – in the past, this has meant raucous fan chanting and national players’ attempts to sing. As of now, New Music will also play an important role.

Mexican sound artist Manuel Rocha-Iturbide has invited eleven composers from ten non-European countries to translate their thoughts on sport and space into sounds.

Javier Alvarez (Mexico), Rajivan Ayyappan (India), Dickson Dee (China), Christian Galarreta (Peru), Erdem Helvacioglu (Turkey), Suk-Jun Kim (Korea), Mario Marcelo Mary (Argentina), Manuel Rocha Iturbide (Mexico), Atau Tanaka (Japan), Nicolas Vaurchavsky (Argentina) and Edson Zampronha (Brazil).

The result is “Audio:Elf”. Eleven audio plays in 5.1 Surround format, a technology that is currently taking living rooms by storm, put listeners in the very midst of things.

All pieces are commissioned works. After their world debut at the opening event, they can be listened to in the specially equipped Surround room at the Museum für Angewandte Kunst. Via a control panel, the compositions can be selected and information retrieved about the composers and their music.

Nomadenkino / nomadic cinema
Street cinema
In the heart of Cologne and in districts such as Deutz, Kalk, Mülheim, Nippes, Niehl, Ehrenfeld, Sülz, in alternation
11th June – 9th July 2006
At dusk, when dry and not on a daily basis
Admission free

At dusk, cinema nomads take over the city, mingling with passers-by and revelling football fans. The nomadic cinema visits the city’s many historical sites and street cafés and squares, places where people like to gather in the summer.

Its stories are funny, fascinating and long-forgotten.

The itinerary is surrounded by myths and legends. Wherever it turns up, it transforms public spaces into a cinema. The screens are the facades of urban buildings. Stories relate to the nomadic, the fleeting, the temporary – subjects such as FRIENDS in Germany and Love your City. It celebrates film history in the style of the lost nomadic cinema with film rarities, shorts, animated and experimental films, tracked down in international film and internet archives.
Venues and programmes from 9th June under: www.scorecologne.net

Colour sculptures for concerts
1st – 9th July, daily 15 – 20 hrs.

The tension is rising, the World Cup Final draws nearer, the summer holidays are upon us and it’s also time to make some new discoveries. Apart from sport, what can be more exciting than something that has never before been seen in Cologne?

Only 9 days. This is an experience not to be missed.

In the heart of the city, where it’s all happening, a colourful tent camp has been set up. The walk-in colour sculpture COLOURSCAPE consists of 58 intensive colour chambers and invites visitors to relax, look and listen.

Since 1989, Colourscape, designed by British artist Peter Jones, has fascinated people in many locations all over Europe. British musicians Lawrence Casserley and Simon Desorgher have created an unusual venue for concerts and performances, making accessible music trends that go beyond traditional pop and video culture.

How do we hear in a sea of colours? Do colours influence the way we listen? Colourscape enables us to experience the effect of colours and in the alternating workshop and music programme, provides a welcome and stimulating change from World Cup fever.

Workshops in the Colourscape
A series of workshops is offered to families and children, enabling participants to experience the relationship between sounds, colours and space. A maximum of 25 participants per event. Applications under: www.scorecologne.net

Sunday, 2nd July, 15.40 hrs. and 17.30 hrs: “Hearing colours”, a workshop by Helga Kleinen/actress and Ulrich Kisters/musician and composer. (Schule des Hörens e.V.)

Saturday, 8th July, 14.10 hrs. and 15.40 hrs.: “When everyday sounds become music and toys become instruments” – a workshop that gives adults and children the opportunity to take part in a concert. Leader: Ortrud Kegel (Büro für Konzertpädagogik)

Sunday, 2nd July 14.10 hrs and Sunday, 8th July, at 17.30 hrs.:
“experience colour ” with Gonzo from England (in German)

Concerts in Colourscape
In the midst of this intensive sea of colours, concerts are held daily from 16 to 19 hrs.. The programme ranges from medieval (or ancient Chinese) instruments to DJ music, played or sung in an ironically brash, rebellious way. Some of the events take place simultaneously in the different colour chambers: ad hoc compositions, spontaneous improvisations, released energy in dialogue with the environment. Communication takes place not just between the musicians, singers and their instruments but also with the environment and audience.

“improv. meets eletronics__focus cologne”
Concerts in Colourscape
Neumarkt, 1st – 9th July, 16 – 19 hrs.

Saturday, 1st July:
Dreamworld – experimental atmospheric music for Colourscape
Melvyn Poore (tuba), Lawrence Casserley (computer and percussion) and Simon Desorgher (flutist), Georg Wissel (saxophone).

Monday, 3rd July: “a-musik live – The Ground Below” with C-Schulz (electronics), F.X. Randomiz (electronics), Waltraud Blischke (turntable, cracklebox), Frank Dommert (turntable), Tim Elzer (guitar, flutist) and Schlammpeitziger (keyboards). The six Cologne musicians take part in an electro-acoustic jam. The participants will build on a composition by C-Schulz and F.X. Randomiz based on city sounds and interpret this thematically. In loose succession, individual musicians and DJs will continue and expand upon the theme. Integrated into the basic musical structure are sounds from Neumarkt’s underground.

Tuesday, 4th July: Choir “dietaktlosen” – Cologne’s first gay/lesbian choir – rhythmic, atmospheric, unplugged – an afternoon full of charm and swing. Regional and international pop, jazz, ballads and traditional Kölsch songs as well as experimental sounds. A-Cappella and under the musical direction of Ilka Tenne. www.dietaktlosen.de

Wednesday, 5th July: from experimental improvisation to jazz:
Simon Nabatov (piano), hans w. koch (live electronics), Achim Tang (contrabass), Bettina Wenzel (vocals), Tiziana Bertoncini (violin) and Thomas Lehn (synthesizer).
Accompanied by “Das Elektrische Rad”, a musical tribute to a work of art by Marcel Duchamp: Michael Plewka (live electronics) and Jeffrey Morgan (saxophone)

Thursday, 6th July: Norbert Rodenkirchen (medieval flute, lap harp) and Albrecht Maurer (Gothic fiddle) explore archaic forms of music, new music, colours, space and light with old instruments. They refer to texts by Leonardo da Vinci on colours, frescoes and architecture.

Friday, 7th July: “Xin Yun” (Herzklang) New and traditional music on old Chinese instruments. Gao-Hong, (Erhu/Chin. viola da gamba), Fu-Zhu Meng (Mongolian melodies and horse-head violin), Chao-Ming Tung, (Gu-Zheng/Chin. zither).

Sunday, 9th July: “worringers electro smog” is the name of the Cologne-based sextet consisting of Frenchman Yves Sachot, American Scott Fields, Czech Macieje Sledziecki and the three Germans Jörg König, Dr. Borg and P.A. Worringer. The Cologne electric guitarists present “3facher Doppelpaß”, electro improvisations based on different coloured routes and time zones.

sound, screen, performance
a cultural project organised by the FIFA World Cup city of Cologne
with art, film and music
Admission: 5/3 Euro, nomadenkino free
For the latest information, visit: www.scorecologne.net

Organisers: musicArts Köln eV c/o Kulturamt der Stadt Köln
Concept and organisation: hans w. koch and Georg Dietzler
Press: Jürgen Schön
Translations: www.honecker-bootz.de
Graphic design: Christa Marek
Web design: schwarzdesign, Oliver Schwarz

其蔚Lin Chi-Wei-恐怖錄音展!!


18th Feb-18th mar 2006
3/F,No 19, Lane 252,Tun-Hua S. Road Sec.
Tel: 886-2-87713372



