City on the Move Art Festival 《2007:City Fables》



展覽名稱 第五屆城市行動藝術節《2007:城市寓言》  
主辦單位 台北市政府文化局
活動地點 臺北啤酒工場(原建國啤酒廠) 台北市八德路二段85號
活動時間 2007/11/16~2007/11/30
活動收費 FREE


為叩合城市行動藝術節主題,今年也邀請影音藝術家作現場表演,結合最具未來感的電子音樂、聲音和數位影像,命名為「飆動異聲」的影音表演,參加者包 括Christof Cargnelli & Bernhard Gál (奧)、Colorir(巴西)、李勁松(香港)、半野喜弘(日)、一樂儀光(日)、黑川良一(日)、Tri Minh (越),與國內數位影音樂團林強、甜梅號、八厘米天空、氣象人、凱比鳥,及國內著名 DJ和VJ等。11月16日的開幕夜將由曾來台參加《腦天氣》的黑川良一和林強同台競技。

另活動期間將開放民眾參觀台灣首座啤酒工廠,意者請洽台北啤酒文化園區管理處簡麗月小姐(電話:2771-9131分機433, 431)


Tunestudio – Mix and Record Music onto your iPod


  • Records directly to iPod in 16-bit, 44kHz quality
  • Streams audio through built-in USB interface to and from a PC or Mac® computer
  • Each channel is equipped with 3-band EQ, pan and level controls
  • Phantom-power-enabled XLR inputs provide up to 60 dB of microphone gain
  • High-quality stereo compressor with makeup gain enhances audio dynamics and keeps audio levels within recording limits of the iPod
  • Features one-knob compression control
  • LEDs indicate master audio level, power status, peak indication, compressor

October Contemporary

October Contemporary: Again is Hong Kong’s first collaborative contemporary art event by 8 of Hong Kong’s leading art spaces and institutions – 1a space, Artist Commune, Asia Art Archive, Goethe-Institut Hong Kong, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Para/Site Art Space, Videotage, and the Osage Art Foundation. The event aims to promote and highlight contemporary art and artists through exhibitions, talks, seminars, and performances under an umbrella-theme, Again.


Venue: Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Rd., To Kwa Wan 


Kita-Kyushu Biennial '07



details on 

* Music Event
Keynote sounds / Multilayered Realms
Directed by Otomo Yoshihide
Admission fee ¥ 3000 / Advance ¥ 2500

Dickson Dee
Yoshimitsu Ichiraku
Kahimi Karie
Yoshiaki Kondoh
Jim O’Rourke
Sachiko M
Tetsuya Umeda
Otomo Yoshihide

9/29 Sat.18:00-21:00
1. Astronoise, Dickson Dee, Tetsuya Umeda
2. I.S.O + Jim O’Rourke

9/30 Sun.18:00-21:00
1. Kahimi Karie + I.S.O
2. Astronoise, Dickson Dee, Yoshimitsu Ichiraku,
Sachiko M, Tetsuya Umeda, Otomo Yoshihide,Jim O’Rourke