舞.聲.道 Momentum

Introduction to the Concepts Behind Momentum
A central idea in Chinese culture is the Doctrine of the Mean, or the Middle Way. It is often understood as not too much or too little. This concept of equilibrium is especially important in modern society. The mutual generation and conquest between the Five Elements (wu xing, namely metal, wood, water, fire and earth) in Taoism is a manifestation of the system of equilibrium. However, with rapid urban development and ecological imbalance, it is difficult for men to keep neutral. It is with this in mind that Momentum was created: using Taoist concepts of Nine Halls Diagram (jiu gong), Eight Trigrams (ba gua) and Five Elements as foundation; dance, sound and installation as media; this is an earth-purifying ritual with a message of environmental protection.
Renowned experimental musician Dickson Dee is a long-term collaboration of CCDC. A design teacher introduced him to the Taoist concepts of Nine Halls Diagram, Eight Trigrams and Five Elements when he was a student, bringing his attention to the equilibrium between things and how he can draw inspirations from it. Dickson has been applying these ideas to graphic design, abstract painting and music composition. The ideas are still influencing his life today.
The diagrams in the ancient Yellow River Chart (he tu) and the Inscription of the River Luo (luo shu) are an important part of the philosophies explained in the Book of Changes. They are also the source of the Nine Halls Diagram. Episode I of Momentum is performed at the Peak. Dickson first divides the performance space into nine squares, echoing the Nine Halls Diagram. Then he works out the Eight Trigrams based on cardinal directions. From there, he derives the Five Elements of each area. Each Element has its own corresponding sound, equivalent to Do, Re, Mi, So, La in Western musical scale. There are also corresponding colours, emotions, movements, even internal organs… This forms a framework, within which choreographer Xing Liang and Mui Cheuk-yin create the dance work according to the numerology of each dancer. The pace, the movement, the beginning, the end, everything about the work comes from this framework, echoing the corresponding Element. At the same time, Dickson also places 21 pieces of rock according to the framework. Some are filled with water, others hold plants, branches or urban refuse. A few pieces of wood coal are placed in the other end of the performance space, symbolising the natural cycle of life and death. The music and sound effects are also created according to the same framework.
The performance is devised to evoke a sense of harmony, peace and joy, as well as to cultivate a new understanding of nature, space, traditional culture and environmental protection.
Episode I, “Natural Forest Version”, is a site-specific dance work performed in an open, grass-covered park, whereas Episode II, “Concrete Forest Version” is performed in the confined space of an art gallery. Likewise, the work is based on Taoist concepts, with multimedia and sound installations laid out according to the Nine Halls Diagram, Eight Trigrams and Five Elements. Visitors can take part in this interactive game according to the animal that represents their birth year, to find quietness and serenity in this loud and bustling city.
環境舞蹈演出 A site-specific dance performance免費入場 Free Admission

Conceiver, Composer & Sound Installation Artist:李勁松 Dickson Dee
編舞 Choreographers:梅卓燕 Mui Cheuk-yin、邢亮 Xing Liang
道學顧問 Taoism Advisor:知三道人 Master Zhi-san
監製 Producer:黃國威 Raymond Wong演出 Performers:陳俊夫、招詠彤、禤天揚、李珵、李德、毛維、黃翠絲、孫鳳枝 Maximilian Chan, Chiu Wing-tung, Huen Tin-yeung, Li Cheng, Li De, Mao Wei, Tracy Wong, Iris Sun~首部曲 Episode I~
Mount Austin Playground, the Peak, Hong Kong22~23.3.2014 六Sat-日Sun
3pm, 5pm~二部曲 Episode II~
1a Space Gallery, Cattle Depot Artist Village, Kowloon
11am — 7pm(星期一休館 Closed on Mondays)
場地贊助Venue Sponsor
場地伙伴Venue Partner
1a Space Gallery
City Contemporary Dance Company is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.