中国歌手高樱荣获国际音乐大奖意大利鲁尼兹亚音乐奖(Premio Lunezia)



中国歌手高樱荣获国际音乐大奖意大利鲁尼兹亚音乐奖(Premio Lunezia)

高樱是中国大陆首位获此殊荣的歌手。鲁尼兹亚奖成立于1996年卡拉拉市,为意大利重要的流行音乐奖项,致力于奖励意大利本土最具影响力和最具创作力的歌手,在意大利有着广泛影响力,到目前为止已超过150位歌手荣获这一奖项,获奖人几乎囊括了意大利所有知名歌手,包括世界著名男高音安德烈·波切利(Andre Bocceli),意大利流行音乐天后劳拉普西尼(Laura Pausini),艾罗斯(Eros Ramazotti),苏奇洛(Zucchero),安东那齐(Biagio Antonacci)卡帕来扎(Caparezza)组合等知名艺人。
此前,鲁尼兹亚奖组委会与意中文化交流与发展中心(ICCX)通力合作,成立意中艺术评审委员会,奖励在意大利本土以外的国际歌手奖项,以促进中意文化交流,组委会在为期一年的评选中,最终评选出五名提名奖,分别为张楚,高樱,朱哲琴,汪峰,许巍。最终组委会发言人兼鲁尼兹亚奖主席斯蒂法诺(Stefano De Martino),宣布2014年鲁尼兹亚奖颁发给中国歌手高樱,此外该奖项也得到了意大利驻北京使馆文化处的支持。


Noise & Capitalism


Noise & Capitalism

Publisher: Arteleku Audiolab (Kritika series), Donostia-San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa)

Publication date: September 2009.

ISBN: 978-84-7908-622-1

Contributors: Ray Brassier, Emma Hedditch, Matthew Hyland, Anthony Iles, Sara Kaaman, Mattin, Nina Power, Edwin Prévost, Bruce Russell, Matthieu Saladin, Howard Slater, Csaba Toth, Ben Watson.

Editors: Mattin & Anthony Iles

‘Noise’ not only designates the no-man’s-land between electro-acoustic investigation, free improvisation, avant-garde experiment, and sound art; more interestingly, it refers to anomalous zones of interference between genres: between post-punk and free jazz; between musique concrète and folk; between stochastic composition and art brut. – Ray Brassier

This book, Noise & Capitalism, is a tool for understanding the situation we are living through, the way our practices and our subjectivities are determined by capitalism. It explores contemporary alienation in order to discover whether the practices of improvisation and noise contain or can produce emancipatory moments and how these practices point towards social relations which can extend these moments.

If the conditions in which we produce our music affects our playing then let’s try to feel through them, understand them as much as possible and, then, change these conditions.

If our senses are appropriated by capitalism and put to work in an ‘attention economy’, let’s, then, reappropriate our senses, our capacity to feel, our receptive powers; let’s start the war at the membrane!

Alienated language is noise, but noise contains possibilities that may, who knows, be more affective than discursive, more enigmatic than dogmatic.

Noise and improvisation are practices of risk, a ‘going fragile’. Yet these risks imply a social responsibility that could take us beyond ‘phoney freedom’ and into unities of differing.

We find ourselves poised between vicariously florid academic criticism, overspecialised niche markets and basements full of anti-intellectual escapists. There is, afterall, ‘a Franco, Churchill, Roosevelt, inside all of us…’ yet this book is written neither by chiefs nor generals.
Here non-appointed practitioners, who are not yet disinterested, autotheorise ways of thinking through the contemporary conditions for making difficult music and opening up to the willfully perverse satisfactions of the auricular drives.

The distribution of this book is going to be done by trading:

If you are an artist, musician, writer or engage in any creative activity, we would very much appreciate that you send a sample of your work as a form of exchange for the book. Otherwise you can write a critical response to the book and send it to Arteleku.

If you are a distributor or a label or a publisher and you want to get copies of the book for distribution, you can send single copies of different books, zines or records in exchange and Arteleku will send you copies of the book in return.

Any material sent to Arteleku will become part of Arteleku’s library and people will have free access to this material.

Post: Arteleku, Kristobaldegi 14 (o nuevo P. Ainzieta), Loiola Auzoa, 20014 Donostia – San Sebastián (Spain).
Email: [email protected]

Arteleku might take some time to reply and to send the books but they will do it as soon as they can.

This book can be downloaded as a PDF file:

Spanish and Basque editions of this book will be published in early 2010.

Upcoming presentations:

20 November
Noise & Capitalism at Piksel Festival Bergen
15:30-16:15 Bergen Kunstmuseum/Stenersen
Room Audiotoriet
Piksel Festival

24 & 25 November
Noise & Capitalism reading group at CalArts
4pm – 8pm
1st day:
Genre is Obsolete by Ray Brassier
Towards a Social Ontology of Improvised Sound Work by Bruce Russell
2th day:
Prisoners of the Earth Come Out! Notes Towards ‘War at the Membrane’ by Howard Slater
Anti-Copyright: Why Improvisation and Noise Run Against the Idea of Intellectual Property by Mattin
Herb Alpert School of Music at CalArts
(california institute of the arts)
All welcome

27 November
Noise & Capitalism presentation and discussion
7pm,16 Beaver
16 Beaver Street
4th & 5th Floor
New York, NY 10004


11 January
Noise & Capitalism discussion Alan Courtis & Mattin
Instituto Cervantes
Bryggarg. 12 A
11121 Stockholm, Sweden

24-25 February
Noise & Capitalism: Undoing, Understanding and Sharing Time Together
(Emma Hedditch, Anthony Iles, Howard Slater & Mattin)
26 February
Performance/experiment Emma Hedditch, Anthony Iles, Howard Slater & Mattin
Kill Your Timid Notion Festival
Dundee, Scotland

Desetxea net-label
w.m.o/record label
Free Software Series

News & Gigs
Billy Bao
La Grieta
Josetxo Grieta
Arto Artian
Debian gnu/linux

Sound of Ebb call for Contributions

Call for Contributions > Submit a Sound!

Sound of Ebb is an open source sound series that calls for reflection on the global crisis by sound artists and artists working with sound to respond to the question:

What is the sound of Recession?

Artists are asked to create a work or sound recording that responds to the current economic, social and political climate. Pieces can be field recordings, compositions, radio plays, soundscapes, or even songs and pieces of music.. etc. They can be conceptual, personal, critical, creative or interpretive.

A moment of recession remarks a deceleration and slowing down – opening up to a space for reflection. When a tide recedes into a breathe of idleness, it leaves a moment for contemplation and listening to the sounds of the Self, of Others and the Environment. In a state of lull is there opportunity forge new values, forms of solidarity, closer familial ties, and explore healthier modes of consumption? Is there value within a moment of quietude and reflection to explore new possibilities for the future?

Sound of Ebb is an open project for contribution and interpretation. All works will be uploaded to online for free listening and sharing. Selected submissions will be exhibited and distributed in a free downloadable compilation by LOUDSPKR and Sound and Music. Please specify any terms of usage or creative licensing you would like to apply. i.e. Creative Commons or other similar free cultural license. Sound of Ebb is a branch project of The End of Something.. A collection of reflections on the global crisis.

Works should be, but not restricted to 30 seconds to five minutes in length and a response to your social/geographic context in relation to the crisis. Submissions can be produced collaboratively or individual.

Please include your:
Link to your work: (optional)
Title and description of work:
Work: (in ogg, aiff, mp3 or wav file formats)

Please email submissions to: [email protected]
Audio files can be sent via or

Early deadline July 31st, 2009 – submissions received before this date will be exhibited at Volume in London UK throughout August.

Final deadline August 31st, 2009 – All submissions submitted before this date will be considered for the curated compilation. Submissions will continue to be accepted following the deadline for contribution to the online archive.

Volume: 114-116 Amersham Vale, Deptford Police Station, New Cross, London SE14 6LG /


LOUDSPKR is a test-grounds and platform for experimental music/sound, media art, film/video, performance and multi-disciplinary arts. Through events, exhibitions, and artistic and curatorial projects, LOUDSPKR explores possibilities within collaboration, cultural production and critical arts practice.

BORDERS: A Musical Exploration 7th Aug Macau
  BORDERS: A Musical Exploration
  『無國界音樂會』將於2008年8月7日在牛房開Show! 音樂會將音樂演出結合建築空間和畫廊的現場展覽, 大玩互動, 探索藝術創作的多元界限。音樂會重點演繹兩位香港當時得令的重要年青作曲人Samson Young, Lok Yin Tang 以及Fung Lam的作品, 它們也是GRENZENLO貫徹中國巡迴音樂會, 巡演四個城市九場音樂會的點題之作。音樂會將演出一些本土和國際作曲人的首演作品。『無國界音樂會』標誌著音樂組織GRENZENLO於東亞區的首度登場, 為觀眾獻演他們重要的當代新音樂作品。
  Borders, to be staged at Ox House on August 7st 2008, aims to explore the borders of artistic creation through the interaction between musical performance, architectural space and gallery exhibits. There will be a focus on presenting works by three of Hong Kong’s leading young composers:Samson Young , Lok Yin Tang and Fung Lam. This will be Grenzenlos’ tour highlight in its 9-concert, 4-city China tour (July 20 – August 7). The performance will include premieres of works by local and international composers. Borders marks Grenzenlos’ debut in East Asia. The group will present a programme of new, important works from its contemporary repertoire.
  演出者 / Performer:Olivia De Prato (Violin); Dickson Dee (Laptop); William Lane (Viola); Nenad Markovic (Trumpet); Daniel Ploeger (Trombone); Markus Sepperer (Oboe); Eugene Ughetti (Percussion)
  日期 / Date::07/08/2008(星期四/Thursday)20:00
  地點 / Venue:牛房倉庫 Ox warehouse
  現場不設劃位 Seats are not assigned
  售價地點/ Tickets:牛房倉庫Oxwarehouse、邊度有書Pinto Livros (28 330909)
  票價:MOP$80 (牛房之友、邊度有書之友及學生可享MOP$65票價優惠,購票時須出示有效證件)
  Price: MOP$80 (Special ticket purchase at MOP$65 are open for Friends of Ox WareHouse, Pinto Livros and students. Please present valid ID during purchase)
  GRENZENLOS是致力於促進世界性新音樂合作的組織,擁有一個固定的音樂團隊, 有多名來自不同國家的藝術家和作曲家, 以及一家管理公司。
  Grenzenlos is an organization dedicated to producing innovative music, consisting of a fixed ensemble, an international roster of artists and composers and an artistic management company.
  節目查詢 / Program inquiry:(853)28 530026
  節目網站 / Program website:
  主辦 / Organized by:婆仔屋藝術空間 Old Ladies Art Space
  場地提供Venue provided by:民政總署IACM

Colors! turns Nintendo DS into pocket Wacom Cintiq

Colors! is the Nintendo DS app that most powerfully makes the point that homebrew is not just a wheedling cipher for piracy. Developed by Jens Andersson, it offers hard and soft brushes, pressure sensitivity, a 512×384-resolution canvas, and can send paintings as PNG files via email. It has a Corel Painter-style hue-circle, saturation-triangle palette.

Wired’s How-To Wiki has a tutorial on how to work with it to produce stunning works of art; pictured above is a reproduction of a Rembrandt self-portrait by Jason R. Dunn.

Forthcoming versions of the app will have undo, a levels tool and collaborative painting.

Download Page [Collecting Smiles]
How to [Wired via Gizmodo]
Gallery of Colors! paintings []





演出时间:2007年7月14日下午3点(摄影专场)及 晚上8点

insightproject#3 Daniel Menche – Karkowski

le mardi 16 Mai 2006 de 19:00 à 23:00
le Nouveau Casino, 109 rue Oberkampf 75011 Paris
M° St Maur
13 euros préventes Wave/ Bimbo Tower/ Virgin/
et 15 euros sur place le soir du concert

RAM (Menche + Karkowski) Live +
STROM VARX vs K.oz (Live Mix) +
guest: R.H.Y.YAU (Live)


monème: Press release

Cédric Maridet _habitus Audio CD / 30 min monème, 2006 cover art : sonogram made with Hypno [front cover]
photo Cédric Maridet / Sylvain Holtermann [back cover] _habitus is a studio recording based on an improvisional system created for a real-time performance in Hong Kong. Two microphones were set up to record the sounds from the patio of Habitus gallery, facing highways, tramways, Victoria Harbour and a nearby heliport. These sounds constitute the only sound source for this work, which is an exploration of variations in an improvisional setting. Throughout the composition, the real-time aspect of the performance remains as the sound is processed without interrupting the sound continuum. Distributed By White Noise Records [Hong Kong]