壹家第6期- Wang Fan


2001年,发表专辑《身体里的冥响》(出品:Sub Jam·铁托/Origin·本)。
2002年,为小说朗诵会《斯巴达》配乐;为实验电影《冬至》(An Anti Ant)(出品:Sub Jam·铁托)配乐。
2003年,专辑《车前子的诗歌》(未发表);为实验话剧《审问记》配乐;为实验话剧《火脸》配乐;参加“声纳2003·北京国际电子音乐节”;发表专辑《无限反复》(《斯巴达》配乐re-mix)(出品:Adopin·阿都品/Sub Jam·铁托)。
2004年,2月,上海,“打开天空”;5月,瑞士伯尔尼、苏黎世演出;7月,话剧《火脸》韩国演出现场配乐;9月,上海,“On Sale”艺术展;10月,“哈尔滨新音乐艺术节”;11月,杭州,第二层皮音乐节……
2005年,10月,第六届迷笛音乐节第二舞台(Mini MIDI·水陆观音特别节目);12月,话剧《斯特林堡情书》配乐。
2006年,3月,与Zibgniew Karkowski合作演出(水陆观音);5月,mini midi ii音乐节(第七届迷迪音乐节实验舞台);6月,专辑《五行》由观音唱片和adopin联合出品。

wang fan

wang fan is pioneer of china’s experimental/improvised music. sound designer, sonic explorer, powerful noise maker, minimalist/maximalist, multi-genre composer and a talented singer. he was born in 1970, Lanzhou and relocated to Beijing in 1996, the year he created China’s first formal experimental music piece which is a mysterious 40 minutes lofi work. he is a self taught, religion-tendentious (buddhism and other oriental religions) and non-spoted musician.
he had released 3 masterpieces for Chinese new music:
Sound Of Meditation Within The Body (Sub Jam/Origin, 2001)
Infinite Loops (Adopin/Sub Jam, 2003)
Five Primary Elements (KwanYin Records/Adopin, 2006)

Sound Art, two laptops from Hong Kong and Chengdu



Sound Art, two laptops from Hong Kong and Chengdu

Li Chin Sung / Bai Tian

Time: 9:30 p.m. July 23th (Sunday)
Venue: D22
Address: 13 Cheng Fu Lu (300 meters west of the Wudaokou Subway station and 20 meters west of 13 Club, South of Lan Qi Ying Station Rd, Wu Dao Kou)
ticket: 30/20

SAN YUAN LI, A Village Trapped Within A City

SAN YUAN LI, A Village Trapped Within A City


People’s Architecture and MediaNoche present SAN YUAN LI, a village trapped within the city of Guangzhou. The video will be projected on the handball court wall in White Park, framed by the urban landscape of Spanish Harlem, a district trapped in its own storm of social and economic change. Please come Thursday, July 19, at 8:30PM. There will be a Q&A with some of the artists who will be arriving from Beijing next week. SAN YUAN LI, 44 minutes, directed by Ou Ning and Cao Fei.

China is a country with one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Adding to the population shift, from country to city, are startling urban developments and re-distributions of wealth that boggle the imagination by the sheer magnitude and speed of change. At the blink of an historical eye, great rivers are dammed for power, farmlands choked into highways, and trees dwarfed by gargantuan skyscrapers.

Armed with videocameras, twelve artists respond to this tsunami of economic transformation by recording the unchecked growth of Guangzhou and the besieged village of San Yuan Li whose people valiantly resisted the British attempt to turn them into junkies (opium eaters) during the Opium Wars of the 19th Century.

In the new millennium, progress threatens to vanquish the people of San Juan Li. Modernization and expansion have been so rapid that the village is trapped within the sprawl of neighboring Guangzhou. Walled in by surrounding office towers and outnumbered by their yuppy neighbors, the villagers try to conduct their lives as usual.

Thriving on subsistence farming and traditional crafts, the villagers move to a different rhythm and perhaps heart rate. They creatively reinvent customary forms of farming, tending rice paddies on what are now empty city lots, growing chickens in coops on terraces, and cultivating fruits and vegetables on rooftops in makeshift terrariums.

Ou Ning and Cao Fei, the directors of SAN YUAN LI, worked with a team of twelve artists documenting the architecture and life in both San Yuan Li and Guangzhou. In a highly stylized, and impressionistic Koyaanisqatsi-type video, the paradox of economic growth and marginalization that is so much a part of China today is revealed.

The outdoor screening of San Yuan Li in Spanish Harlem reframes the problems confronting the Chinese village within the context of this community’s struggle against gentrification. San Yuan Li and Spanish Harlem may be on opposite sides of the planet but they are both bearing the brunt of a brutish capital.

People’s Architecture is a multi-disciplinary forum for the exchange of ideas, with the goal of facilitating a better global understanding of China’s architectural, infrastructural, cultural and economic development. People’s Architecture brings together perspectives from a range of disciplines-from design to linguistics to social science-in a series of public lectures, publications, exhibitions, and collaborative projects.

MediaNoche is a project of PRdream.com whose mission is to empower community through technology. MediaNoche offers residencies and exhibition space to artists working in new media, and seeks to connect Spanish Harlem to all parts of the world that recognize its long history of music, art, film, poetry and dance. MediaNoche_WiFi makes internet access available on East 106th Street and White Park for free. We invite new media artists to interact with our community by creating projects on the street or park. Come play!

Funding for our programs is provided by NYFoundation, NYSCA, DCA, Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, NYS Senator Jose Serrano and NYC Councilwoman Melissa Mark-Viverito.

Directions to the Handball Court in White Park, across the street from MediaNoche: Take the IRT #6 train uptown to 103 Street. Walk three blocks up, turn right. White Park is directly across the street from MediaNoche on East 106th Street, between Lexington and 3rd Avenues.

NOIShanghai V

主办:NOIShanghai Shasha Records
地点:育音堂(龙漕路200弄100号,交通:1号线漕宝路;3号线龙漕路; 徐家汇打的10元)

参加单元:Evol(西班牙)/Impregnable(美国)/D!O!D!O!D!(中国杭州)/黄锦+积木(中国杭州)/Torturing Nurse(中国上海)

Evol:Roc Jiménez de Cisneros和Anna Ramos于1996年在巴塞罗纳成立的计算机音乐小组.他们的录音和现场为数字噪音和电脑作曲.充斥着计算机音乐的许多极端方式,混合着残忍的音速,疯狂的数字代号,不规则的结构和细小的讽刺性的片段.
迄今为止Evol已经在世界顶尖的实验电子厂牌,例如:Mego(Austria), Fals.ch (Austria), Scarcelight Recordings (USA), Diskono (UK), Antifrost (Greece), Lucky Kitchen (USA-Spain)和他们自己的lable:Alku出版过唱片.
更多消息参看: http://vivapunani.org




Torturing Nurse:中国上海臭名昭著的harshnoise团体

Zenbobo trio home live- 16th July





鸣谢:SOLO tee,家乐福,梅林农批市场,平方超市,丽丽发廊,红带唱片,吸力啤酒,过日子香烟,二狗烧烤,捅你琴行及ZENBOBO的FANS

郑伯伯三重奏首次home live将于本月16号下午4点至6点在梅林二村举行,这次演出观众人数有限制.大家可以听到郑伯伯三重奏第一次在深圳地区公开表演的电子民谣作品以及最新的实验作品.演出结束之后,将有一个天台烧烤趴踢.
郑伯伯三重奏(ZenBoBo trio)简介


About zenbobo
somewhat remarkably,the youthful trio ZenBoBo trio has an uncanny ability to sound like an a vernacular type, not a MANDARIN type.it established in April of 2006 by a punk-had been “Bai”,a low-key music-lovers “Sunflower” and bandsman Luzheng, in order to explore many kinds of possibility that the sound is in this commercial city of Shenzhen.they are not Blowing.Like Tumble Weed ,they have a distinct style .they cherish ancient music but modern.they Combine fashion and origin together.their live bulid meditation of ZEN,make one deep in thought.

contact: [email protected]

Torturing Nurse/Hookworm/Gruuthaagy/Coco and Fiend Friend 4 way split out!

这是由中国Torturing Nurse,美国Hookworm,克罗地亚Gruuthaagy,英国/意大利Coco and Fiend Friend的4 way split唱片,总共69’24”,采取特别的销售方式:不在任何一个厂牌发行,4组各自copy master母盘,在本国/国外销售,中国需要者联系:[email protected],零售20元人民币,made by order!
junky’s blog

Torturing Nurse – As Naked As c60 coverart

Torturing Nurse – As Naked As
A – +(27’55”)
Youki:guitar Junky:noise/vocal
B – -(29’44”)
Miriam:vocal Youki:guitar Junky:noise/vocal
recorded on 2006.07.01
mastered by Junky
Shasha Record myspace http://myspace.com/noiseshasharecords
[email protected]


via Junky’s blog

睡觉的时候把Mattin给我的他和Junko(Hijokaidan女vocal)的合作cd当安眠曲,我实在太喜欢了,30分钟的录音里 Junko从头叫到底,有破碎的声音在里面;Mattin只用笔记本的回授做声音,气度不凡,我越来越喜欢Mattin这家伙了,朴素,邋蹋,看起来像工厂的车间主任!他给的另一张唱片还没听,但肯定是我喜欢的,昨天聊天的时候发现彼此喜欢的竟然十分相似,本来这次是要一起合作录音的,但我实在抽不出空, 约好回去后通过interner进行录音合作:)!!他和他的厂牌的网址是:www.mattin.org

Junko&Mattin – 评论和下载(ogg格式) via Junky’s blog