Take Off the Headphone and Turn to 10

Take Off the Headphone and Turn to 10

Splinter VS Stalin (Italy), Zenlu (Shenzhen), Huang Jian (Shenzhen),Sin:Ned, Alok, Wilson Tsang, L W T V, No one pulse, Sherman, Magdalen Wong

Date: 20 Jan 2007 (Saturday)
Time: 8:00
Venue: Videotage

Address: Unit 13, Cattle Depot Artist Village
63 Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan, Hong Kong

Enquiry: (852) 2573 1869

ioioi live in hk dejavu

artists: IOIOI from Italy femail electronic+experimental
guest artists PNF, LWTV
date:6th Jan 07
time: 9:00pm

address:flat k, 1/f, po foo bldg.,no.1 foo ming st.,causeway bay, h.k.
tel : 23672302


来自意大利的女实验乐手IOIOI将用吉他 +人声演绎Experimental/ Electronica/Punk 等多种风格的作品( www.myspace.com/ioioi ,有作品试听和演出录像).另外 ,当晚参加演出的还有香港老牌工业噪音团体PNF ,独立女声+实验噪音的一夜。
IOIOI is the solo project by an italian girl. IOIOI plays guitars, laptop, bass, voice, no-words and toys. Her music is a kind of free form pop abstraction, vague guitar improvisation, alternating with laptop experimentalism. All is composed in one breath, improvised and collaged in an undefined lo-fi combination.

PNF 是一个由香港实验乐手 Li Chin Sung(李劲松)所领导的实验音乐组合。除Li
Chin Sung 外,其他均是非固定現場演成员。曾参与过该组合的包括已解散的台湾实验乐队零与声音乐解放组织成员、香港工业噪音乐队 Illuminated 666成员等。该组合成立以来一直与不同的艺术团体合作,为其艺术作品创作声音部分。首张专辑” PNF-1″ 发行于1994年,是与漫画创作团体”浮游 “合作,为其漫画制作配乐的第一部分。专辑以卡带及漫画书形式限量发行 38 套,现已绝版多时。PNF的音乐形式多样,根据与之合作的对象的需要融入具象音、工业噪音、采样拼贴等不同的风格。

LWTV,Music sounded like shit until I first heard the Velvets in my 15th year of existence. At the time I was living alone in Vancouver, Canada, sitting in a snowed apartment with one light and a crackling Fisher-price record player, and ever since I had been making irritable electric noise for my neighbours and friends to endure.
Growing up listening to Bob Dylan and The Beatles’ records of my dad, they never truly resonate with me. From the Velvet Underground, the education went on from Suicide to Jesus and The Mary chain; from P J Harvey to The Kills. What I found was the ever-present drone. Years later I finally and accidentally found Tony Conrad, the electric Violinist who first started it all along with The Velvets’ John Cale. I could never leave amplified strings then, and there is no going back.

otomo yoshihide live in hk

Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts



International Master Class Series


Otomo Yoshihide

on Sound and Film Music

大友良英 談 音響與電影音樂

Wednesday, January 3, 20007 1月3日 (星期三)

2:30-5:30 p.m. TV Studio, F/TV

Screening of “Ten Years…and beyond” and Questions by Otomo F/TV 師生集體創作《十年 …and beyond》放映、大友問

Friday, January 5, 2007 1月5日 (星期五)

11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. TV Studio, F/TV

Chinese Films x Japanese Music, My Composing Experience 中國電影、日本音樂:大友良英的配樂體驗

2:30 – 4:30 pm TV Studio, F/TV

Sound and Music for “Ten Year…and beyond”: Possibilities & Explorations 給《十年 …and beyond 》配音作樂:即興與探索


Andy Wong To Love U More Musical Dance Theatre

音樂總監 Music Director/特別嘉賓 Special Appearance
葉富生 Steven Ip
藝術總監 Artistic Director/編舞 Choreographer/演出Performer
王廷琳 Andy Wong
製作人Producer/編舞 Choreographer/演出Performer
呂以輝 Frankie Lui
嘉賓舞者 Guest Dancers
*蘇淑 Su Shu 黃嘉詠 Carol Wong
朱曉芳Priscila Chu
郭顯佳Clarence Kwok
盧幸賢Candy Lo
施卓然Kenneth Sze

* 承蒙香港舞蹈團允許演出Appears through the courtesy of Hong Kong Dance Company

藝穗會O2劇院Fringe Club O2 Theatre
20-23.12.2006 (三至六Wed –Sat) 8pm
23.12.2006(六Sat) 3pm
票價Ticket Price: $150;$120(藝穗會會員Fringe Club Member);$80(高齡、殘疾人士及全日制學生 Senior, Disabled and Student)
門票現已於快達票售票網公開發售。Tickets are now available at HK TICKETING
節目查詢Programme Enquiry:9370 2921
票務查詢及留座Ticketing and Reservation:31 288 288。
電郵 E-mail info@dancingandy.com.hk
網址 Website www. dancingandy.com.hk

New Vision Festival

Eclectic Tales from Mongolia

29th, 30th Oct

3rd Nov

a new eclectic music project with traditional, jazz and avantgarde musicans from Mongolia, China, Korea, Argentina, Germany, Sweden

commissioned by the Hong Kong Leisure and Cultural Services Department,Premiere at the Hong Kong New Vision Festival 2006

1.Li Chin Sung—————concept,composition,electronics,laptop,turntables
2.Park Je Chun————–drums and percussions
3.Valentin Garvie———–trumpet
4.Jonas Hellborg————bass, arrangement
5.Josef Novotny————keyboard
6.Ganbaatar Khongorzul —–long song
7. Damdin Gantulga ——–khoomii, bishguur
8.Nerguyi Naranbadrakh—khoomii ,morin khuur,tsuur
9. Kikhlai Burgedbaatar –———-morin khuur

Lawrence English+Li Chin Sung China tour


time:20:30-22:30 17th August


ticket:free (by invitation)

Lawrence English(澳大利亚)


梁园由佛山当地诗书名家梁蔼如、梁九章及梁九图叔侄四人,于清嘉庆、道光年间(公元1796-1850年)陆续建成,历时四十余年。梁园总体布局以住宅、祠堂、园林三者浑然一体最具当地大型庄宅园林特色,尤其是以奇峰异石作为重要造景手段。其中的四组园林群体因各自构思取向不同而风格各异,各种“平庭”、“山庭”、“水庭”、“石庭”、“水石庭”等岭南特有的组景手段式式具备,变化迭出。与各建筑物和景区主题紧密结合的诗书画文化内涵丰富多彩,诗情画意比比皆是,园内精心构思的 “草庐春意”、“枕湖消夏”、“群星秋色”、“寒香傲雪”等春夏秋冬四景俱全,各异其趣;展示文人园林特质的“石斋寄情”、“砚磨言志”、“幽居香兰”、 “庄宅遗风”四景,将岭南古园林的多种文化意境,如雅集酬唱、读书著述、家塾掌教、幽居赋闲等多种文人文化生活追求表现得淋漓尽致,令人回味无穷。梁园是研究岭南古代文人园林地方特色、构思布局、造园组景、文化内涵等问题不可多得的典型范例,展现了古代佛山文人对远离大都会凡嚣、享受林泉之乐的追求,也体现了“广府文化”中对花园式宅第和自然的空间环境的向往;其典型丰富的历史文化内涵,又是反映佛山名人荟萃、文风鼎盛的重要实物例证。


time:21:30 20th August 2006
venue:Tanghui tel:021-54034408
organizer: Tanghui, Noise Asia

Lawrence English(Australia)
Li Chin Sung(Hong Kong)


體驗世界級的聲音實驗藝術 探索聲音的分子空間

活動時間:8/26 晚上7:30
活動洽詢電話: 0968533029

取樣的聲音及影像實驗並不是無中生有的幻覺,而是藉由錄音器材,並經由身體在生活中不斷的運作與滲透,錄下所有不平凡的瑣碎,這次由節點文化以及boven唱片行合作《交流電》請到了正於亞洲巡迴演出中的澳洲聲音藝術家Lawrence English 與著名的香港DJ李勁松(Dickson Dee),以及曾於《國巨聲音藝術節-異響》中表現突出的聲音藝術家謝仲其(國內音樂品牌Recordz樂手、台北聲音小組成員),和以纖細魔幻於《南海啥聲》中一鳴驚人的藝術家蔡欣圜,共同呈現日常聲響中的化學變化。

澳洲聲音藝術家Lawrence English於90年代便於聲音藝術中有相當的成就,並且是里斯本Scene的重要推手,並組織了實驗音樂唱片廠牌“Room 40”。擅長於跨領域創作的Lawrence English在他最著名的作品中《Ghost Town》中展現了他在視覺影像與聲音的特殊才華,作品中並表達了他對於在里斯本的自由移民者之感想,對於人性和殖民者的問題有深刻的關切。美國週刊《Signal to Noise》便曾對他的作品做出“優秀的現代具象音樂”的評價。而DJ李勁松於香港的實驗音樂中也有相當獨特的地位,他的作品結合了工業噪音、實驗電子、環境音樂、拼貼、舞曲等,且活躍於香港獨立音樂與獨立電影等藝術活動的舉辦與策劃。他的新作特別關注於香港擁擠的建築感官,以及香港民眾對於生存空間的掙扎。兩位藝術家將自此次的表演中共同交織出人類於都市中的飄零與遊牧,以那些生活中的聲響構成不能被拒絕的視聽作品。

此次於台北士林boven唱片行舉行的演出將是Lawrence English與李勁松在台灣的唯一呈現,此外他們已在深圳、廣州、福建、上海等地舉行過發表。並且,台灣的VJ團體Muse Whisper,也將在此次活動中演出。集結各類過外進口雜誌、樂譜以及國內外獨立音樂的boven唱片行,在此成為台灣、香港與澳洲三地的實驗交流電所,邀請您共同體驗世界級的聲音實驗藝術,並探索聲音的分子空間。
organizer:Boven Records, Node Culture, Noise Asia

Hong Kong
time: 20:00 27th Aug
venue: De-Javu
address:Flat k, 1/F,Po Foo Building No. 1 Foo Ming St. Causeway Bay Hong Kong
ticket: HKD 80
organizer:De-Javu, Noise Asia

tour organizer: Noise Asia
thanks for the help:KC(FS),Xiao Wu(SZ),张笃(SH),梁国健(FS),
Zenlu(SZ),Anson(TW),Junky(SH),Iphen(GZ),Flyinight(GZ),Kent(HK), BovenRecords(TW),Hei(GZ)

SAND Festival 24th June HK

Date & Time: June 24, 2006 4pm – 12am

Venue : Para/Site Art Space(www.para-site.org.hk)

Venue Address: G/F, 4 Po Yan Street,Sheung Wan,Hong Kong

Venue Contact: by phone: (+852) 25174620

List of Artists:
Cedric Maridet (Hong Kong)
Dickson Dee (Hong Kong)
Fathmoun t (Hong Kong)
Liu Peiwen (Taiwan)

Nanahara Shuya(Hong Kong)
New Fairfield Parks and Recreation (Hong Kong)
Peter Scherr (Hong Kong)

Sylvain Holtermann (Hong Kong)
Ang Song Ming (Singapore)
Yeoh Yin Pin (Malaysia)
Zen Lu (Shenzhen,China)

Festival Serigraphic Arts

Seripop (Canada)

Videos and Projections

Nicolas Sauret

SAND Summer 2006 is the first music festival organized by the band New Fairfield Recreations and Parks and White Noise Records. The festival aims at presenting contemporary music such as drone, noise, sound art and free jazz by artists with different cultural backgrounds. By combining different acts on one night, we wish to present the diffusion of this art form across different geographical areas.

Official website:www.sandfesthk.com