Mooka Space new venue in Shenzhen

关于Mooka Space(墨客空间):通过首届城市/ 建筑双年展和各种大小艺术活动的不断发生,以及大批艺术家、设计师、各种各样的文化机构陆续进驻,OCAT已经由一个地理概念演化为一个文化概念,它也将成为深圳当代文化生态发展中的一个重要的历史概念。墨客空间(Mooka Space)是最早进驻OCAT LOFT的文化艺术空间,通过重新定义与改造,带来的是对于艺术和生活方式创造性的理解,它集设计、展示、演出、画廊、艺术家工作室、咖啡馆于一体,成为深圳最为重要的文化艺术空间之一。
address:F3 Block,Mooka Space,Enping Road,Oversea Chinese Town, Shenzhen CHINA

2007.1.28:Park+Miyeon+Li Chin Sung+Zenlu+Li YuenQIng

Park Je Chun- miscellaneous percussion ,朴在千——多元化的敲击乐手

Park Je Chun 广泛被视为融合西方爵士乐和传统韩国音乐运动的先驱者。

1961年出生于韩国首尔.,1986年毕业于 ChungAng University音乐创作系,毕业后开始学习韩国传统音乐包,括”Pansori”艺术, “Chango”鼓及 “Shamans”音乐。1991年自组摇滚乐队,在韩国很受欢迎。那段时期,他主要表演”Pansori” 唱功及韩国大鼓。乐队曾到访日本,并和Kitaro(键盘, daiko) 一起演出。

1993年另组新乐队 “Mol-e mori”并推出同名专辑。该专辑是他第一张融合传统韩国音乐和爵士乐的作品。为了加强融合风格, 他自组一套独持的敲击乐器装备, 其中包含了韩国及西方的乐器。1996年和Gustavo Aguilar组成二人敲击组合 “Zen Din”, 融合世界音乐和即兴表演。Zen Din曾在韩国及美国6个城市巡回演出。同年和 Kang Tae Hwan 组成另一组自由音乐的二人组合,并在日本及韩国演出超过150次, 其中一次在首尔一年一次的Free Music Festival作开幕演出。1997-98年间到马来西亚,瑞士,埃及,日本演出。1999年12月推出 “Mol-e mori 2″专辑,收集了和 Masahiko Satoh (p)及Wadada Leo Smith现场演出的作品。2000年到访日本,停留两星期,期间与不同风格的日本乐手合作演出。二人组合 Zen Din 在美国八个城市巡回演出。同年参与 Sergey Kuryohin Memorial Jazz Festival.在俄罗斯 Moscow, Petersburg, Vologda巡回演。2001年推出个人专辑 “Worship”.和钢琴家 Miyeon组成二人组合 “Miyeon & Park”。在 Yokohama Jazz Promenade 和 Otomo Yoshihide (大友良英,吉他/唱盘) 联合演出。参与马来西亚的 “Drum Unique”。2002年推出与 Kang Tae Hwan (as)及Miyeon (pf)合作的专辑”Improvised Memories”。以韩国传统音乐风格, 为KBS TV创作剧集音乐,并推出 “Tae Yang In – Lee Je Ma” 的电视音乐专辑。2003年在日本推出 “Loose Community”专辑,合作歌手包括Otomo, Miyeon, Gunter Muller, Tanaka Yumiko, Sachiko M。在丝绸之路Samarakant, Tashikent做巡回演出。与 Ge-Suk Yeo(sop-vo) 和 Miyeon(p)组成新现代前卫三人组合 “SORI NUMGI”。2004年推出三人组合 “SORI NUMGI” 的专辑”Sound Skipping”。在非洲 Zimbabwe,土耳其 Ankara,Istanbul,德国,丹麦,比利时巡回演出。2005年推出两人组合 “Miyeon&Park” 的专辑 “Queen&King”。在Malta, Libya, Kuwait, UAE巡回演出。他的另一个组合 “Drum on Drum” 在韩国多个城市演出包括 Kimhae, Yeoju, Jeonju, Gapyoung, Seoul, Heyri。此外, 他担任 “5th FAM festival” 的艺术制作。他和很多外国的即兴音乐家合作演出,其中包括Masahiko Satoh(p), Kang TaeHwan(a.s), Sainkho Namchylak(vo), Wadada Leo Smith(tp), Ned Rothenberg(reed), Aki Takase(p), Gerry Hemingway (dr), Yoshihide Otomo(gt,elec), Kazutoki “Doctor” Umezu(reed), Daisuke Fuwa(b), Alfred Harth(reed)等等。他的乐器装备包含了西方鼓和韩国传统敲击乐器,在台上表演时,他是坐在地上的。看起来有点滑稽,但对他来说却是非常合理的,这样代表了典型的亚洲精神,因为大部份的亚洲传统音乐都是由坐在地上的乐手表演的。



她很小的时候就开始学习古典钢琴,在Satoh Masahiko教导下开始学习20世纪时代音乐和爵上音乐。

她曾经与Kang Tae Hwan,Satoh Masahiko,Ned Rodenberg,Umezu Kazutoki,Gerry Hemingway,OtomoYoshihide一起制作了电影Young Lover的主题音乐和KBs电视台戏剧Sa-ja—sung-eo的主题曲。

她与创作班底Kang Tae Hwan(as),Park Jechun(pert)发布了唱片“Simple Trust”(独奏曲),“Tae yang in—Lee.Jema”(音轨);与Kang Tae Hwan(as),Park Jechun(perc)创作了唱片“Improvised Mcmories”;与Otomo Yoshihide(elec),Gunter Muller(elec,pcrc)。Park Je Chun(perc)制作了唱片”Loose Community”:与Ge—suk Yeo(Voe.),Park Je Chun(per)制作丁“Sound Skipping 1,2”:与Park Je chun制作了”Queen&King”。


正(ZenLu),实验乐手、声音艺术家,现生活工作于深圳。在过去几年间,ZenLu坚持个人创作之外,还组建和参与了数个本土乐团,2002年组建知觉乐队(post- rock),2004年加入杨贵妃乐队(Young Crazy,实验电子/工业噪音),2006年4月组建郑伯伯实验乐团(ZenBOBO,极简/氛围)。2006年9月与波兰实验音乐家Grzegorz Bojanek成立”ChoP”并出版唱片,ChoP在未来的系列唱片出版计划中将邀请两国不同的艺术家加入创作,香港实验音乐家Dickson Dee已受邀参与”ChoP-Vol.2”。

李元庆,广东音协会员、深圳罗湖区文化馆副研究员、他是中国第一位举办个人锯琴音乐会、撰写锯琴学术论文、出版锯琴盒带(CD和VCD)、研制锯琴获国家专利局颁发的专利证的音乐人。李元庆刚满13岁便参加了中国人民解放军,在北京某部文工团任演奏员。1983年考上山西大学艺术学院作曲系。1987年大学毕业后来到了深圳罗湖区艺术团。 1990年,他选择了锯琴音乐作为艺术生命的至爱与追求。李元庆已成为中国著名锯琴演奏家,并在1993年开了全国第一场个人锯琴演奏音乐会。1998年的美国国际锯琴大赛和2000年捷克世界锯琴演奏家大赛上,李元庆都荣获了金奖。2002年8月,李元庆应邀赴韩国参加“世界和平文化交流文艺晚会”的演出,2004年10月,李元庆应邀代表中国参加在法国巴黎阿尔福剧场举办的国际锯琴艺术节暨锯琴大赛,与来自美国、法国、日本、摩洛哥、意大利等国的演奏家同台竞艺,为中国赢得第一名。


2007.1.27(Sat.):Runar Magnusson + Zenlu +Dickson Dee

Runar Magnusson(冰岛)

Runar Magnusson hails from Iceland, although he is now living in Copenhagen where he has quietly been producing some of the oddest electronica to pass through the store. Certainly if you’ve been infected by the viral sounds of Fflint Central or the electro-absurditites of Stilluppsteypa, Magnusson’s work is something to check out. That said, the album opens on unsteady grounds as fellow Icelander Asmundur Asmundsson warbles drunkenly through the words to Lou Reed’s “Walk On The Wild Side,” but as grim drones absorb the voice into the folds of grey vibrations, distant rumblings, and creepy electro-acoustic spasms, The Art Of Dying begins to live up to its name. An isolationist drift and shadow continues for a bit more than 35 minutes before Magnusson introduces a tumbling post-New Wave kaleidoscope of arpeggiated electronics that sounds like the dark sides of Fad Gadget and Heldon melded into a radioactive rhythmic cascade. After this incredible crescendo to the album, Asmundsson returns with another a capella clunker; for his finale, “We Are The World.” Disturbing in more ways than one.

2007.2.3(Sat.):Werner Dafeldecker+DjDee+ZenBOBO

一个是百年音乐古都,维也纳;一个是高速流传的现代都市,香港。双城即兴创作计划Werner Dafeldecker+ DJ Dee 融会当今器乐即兴与现代电音手法,开拓出别具跨界意味的声响风景。曾与 John Tilbury、 Keith Rowe、 Christian Fennesz、 大友良英、 松原幸子等多位国际级先锋乐手合作,同时又身具唱片监制、厂牌主持的低音大提琴手 Werner Dafeldecker,以接入滤波器和振荡器的木质音色低音提琴或结它为素材,与香港电音乐手 DJ Dee,组成即兴创作计划,毫无规限的轻妙电音风格,与沉思性的即兴提琴段落,展开一段即席互动的当代音乐对话。创出独具一格无电脑的电音创作蓝图。

此次演出之前,两位乐手早前已于2004年6月在德国柏林最重要的演出场地之一的 Ausland有过即兴合作经验,并于2004年11月份联同 Patrick Pulsinger 组成WPD Trio在中国深圳、上海展开巡回演出。

Werner Dafeldecker

低音提琴手、敲击乐手、作曲兼唱片制作人。 1964年生于维也纳,早年于维也纳音乐学院修读低音提琴。

主要风格为即兴、电子音乐,并长期从事声音研究,亦曾参与电影配乐工作。 1995年于维也纳创办前卫音乐唱片公司 Durian Records。多年来,Werner与不少前卫音乐界知名乐手同台及录制唱片,当中包括:John Tilbury(自由爵士乐团AMM成员)、keith rowe(AMM成员)、 Christian Fennesz(抽象实验电子创作者)、David Sylvian(英国 Synth-Pop 乐队 Japan 前成员)、大友良英(著名日本实验乐手;中国电影《蓝风筝》、《女人四十》、《虎度门》配乐者)、松原幸子(大友良英合作者、电音乐手)等人。此外,他亦曾与多个世界级的乐团或剧场合作新古典作品,如奥地利 Klangforum Wien 乐团、欧洲手鼓四重奏、Shabotinski 室内乐团等。

数年间, Werner 曾参与多个风格各异的音乐创作计划。其中电声即兴四重奏 Polwechsel,维也纳著名实验结它手 Burkhard Stangl 的 Maxixe 计划 ,他与同为低音提琴和电声学音乐家的 Uli Fussenegger 组成的二重奏等都是 Werner 较为重要的音乐计划之一。而Werner参与的Autistic Daughters三重奏,其音乐风格在Post Rock与电子、即兴音乐间游走。自录制于维也纳的首张专辑《Jealousy and Diamond》开始,乐队便开始引起世界摇滚、电子、即兴音乐圈中的注意,并于2005年9月参加广州现代音乐节。

目前,Werner 生活和工作在维也纳,并频繁地在世界各地进行演出计划。

DJ Dee 是香港实验乐手 Li Chin Sung (李劲松)投向电子音乐创作的一个创作代号。该代号源于 95 年 Li Chin Sung 在 Tzadik 发表的“ Past ”。该厂牌领导人美国著名先锋音乐家 John Zorn 十分希望 Li Chin Sung 能继续发展唱片其中的采样手法,并以他的姓为其构思了“ DJ Dee ”的代号。 DJ Dee 的音乐创作手法在采样拼贴的基础上发展出来,全盘使用电子乐器。但其音乐的风格却并非固定,各种跳舞音乐、 Ambient 、采样拼贴、实验声响都可能出现在其作品中。其实早在 1995 年 Dj Dee 已开始创作,但直到 2002 年才正式出版首张唱片“ Sunday ”。据乐手透露,这将是一个 7 张专辑的创作计划: 7 张唱片代表一周的天数,并以此为专辑名字。每张唱片中的作品均以时间为名,代表每日中特定的时间里人的心情。2004年7月,DJ Dee凭借专辑“Sunday”获国内由各音乐媒体组成的专业排行榜“华语音乐传媒大奖”颁发“新音乐大奖”。

ZenBOBO Trio:

自由即兴实验乐团“ZenBOBO Trio(郑伯伯三重奏)”,2006年4月成立于深圳。音乐宗旨为探索声音在深圳这个商业城市中的多种可能性,拒绝千篇一律,排斥跟风弄潮;以名称的衰老挽救岌岌可危的青春,用古典与现代的交响敲打古意阑珊的迷梦;融前卫与根源于一体,“郑伯伯”是一粒被转基因的音乐种子,在无根的土地上自由伸展。他们既迷恋传统文化同时大量汲取西方前卫艺术的精髓,并二者有机的融合于一体,演出现场营造出浓郁的禅意,令人深省。

otomo yoshihide live in hk

Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts


International Master Class Series


Otomo Yoshihide

on Sound and Film Music

大友良英 談 音響與電影音樂

Wednesday, January 3, 20007 1月3日 (星期三)

2:30-5:30 p.m. TV Studio, F/TV

Screening of “Ten Years…and beyond” and Questions by Otomo F/TV 師生集體創作《十年 …and beyond》放映、大友問

Friday, January 5, 2007 1月5日 (星期五)

11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. TV Studio, F/TV

Chinese Films x Japanese Music, My Composing Experience 中國電影、日本音樂:大友良英的配樂體驗

2:30 – 4:30 pm TV Studio, F/TV

Sound and Music for “Ten Year…and beyond”: Possibilities & Explorations 給《十年 …and beyond 》配音作樂:即興與探索

Myspace Music Store start to sell music

from my myspace a/c

Hey MySpace artists,

Music has always been at the heart of the MySpace community. As an artist, you have a place to connect directly with music lovers and build a fan base. Now, through our partnership with SNOCAP, you can sell digital downloads right on your MySpace page. This is something we’ve wanted to bring to you for a long time, and now it’s here!

It’s really simple. Just click the “Create Your MySpace Music Store” link on your Home page to register with SNOCAP (or click here), upload your music, and set your price. Your store will be automatically created on your MySpace profile right underneath the MySpace player, and a new “Manage Music Store” link will appear on your home page which lets you edit your songs or change the price. Once you’ve created your store your fans will be able to purchase your tracks right off your profile and even post your store on their own profiles, and you’ll get paid on a monthly basis. Click The Format
to check it out.

You don’t need to wait to have a CD’s worth of music to sell. Record something tonight and make it available immediately. Or upload a few tracks from the soundboard recording of your last show. A MySpace/SNOCAP MyStore puts the power of distribution in your hands. And best of all, it doesn’t limit any of your choices. You can still stream up to 4 tracks for free from the MySpace player on your page. You keep all the rights to your music. And this isn’t exclusive – you can put a MySpace/SNOCAP MyStore on your MySpace page and paste the store anywhere else on the web you use for promotion; plus you can also sell through an aggregator or any other digital retailer you have access to.

You already use MySpace to market & promote – now you can sell your songs!


Top Five Issues Facing the Music Industry

from Music Matters Asia
The music industry is in a period of enormous flux. Digital sales grew by more than 100 per cent in the first six months of 2006, but physical sales are still falling and online growth is hampered by piracy. I could give you a list of issues we are taking on that is as long as my arm – but here are the current top five:

• The extension of broadcasting and performance rights in key markets. We are still not being paid by the people that use our product. In the United States, for example, music supports a radio industry that generates $20 billion a year in advertising revenues – but no broadcaster pays us royalties for the music that attracts the listeners advertisers want to reach.

• ISPs need to live up to their responsibilities. ISP contracts tell their customers they will be disconnected if they don’t pay their bill or infringe copyright. These firms too rarely enforce the second rule, despite the fact they use music as a major marketing tool for their services. If they do not take action against infringement voluntarily we will have to ask governments to make them enforce the law in cyberspace.

• The next generation needs to be educated about copyright. Many young people want to have careers in the creative sector, yet too often they are using P2P networks to access infringing material. Education programmes in schools are needed to explain they are killing the goose that lays the golden egg and that if record labels can’t sell music they will not survive to provide jobs and support new artists in the future.

• The campaign to equalise the term of copyright protection goes on. We are working hard to ensure that record labels and artists in countries like Japan receive the same 95-year protection that their American counterparts do and are treated on a more equal footing with composers. It takes a team to create a piece of art that will last forever and the whole team needs to be rewarded fairly.

• Beijing needs to take action to guarantee a fair and open market in China. The Chinese government knows the country would greatly benefit from a strong creative sector and is reforming the law to combat copyright infringement. It needs to do more to enforce its new laws and introduce additional reforms that will help legitimate music producers and retailers take on the piracy that is still rife in China.

(John Kennedy, Chairman, IFPI)


Andy Wong To Love U More Musical Dance Theatre

音樂總監 Music Director/特別嘉賓 Special Appearance
葉富生 Steven Ip
藝術總監 Artistic Director/編舞 Choreographer/演出Performer
王廷琳 Andy Wong
製作人Producer/編舞 Choreographer/演出Performer
呂以輝 Frankie Lui
嘉賓舞者 Guest Dancers
*蘇淑 Su Shu 黃嘉詠 Carol Wong
朱曉芳Priscila Chu
郭顯佳Clarence Kwok
盧幸賢Candy Lo
施卓然Kenneth Sze

* 承蒙香港舞蹈團允許演出Appears through the courtesy of Hong Kong Dance Company

藝穗會O2劇院Fringe Club O2 Theatre
20-23.12.2006 (三至六Wed –Sat) 8pm
23.12.2006(六Sat) 3pm
票價Ticket Price: $150;$120(藝穗會會員Fringe Club Member);$80(高齡、殘疾人士及全日制學生 Senior, Disabled and Student)
門票現已於快達票售票網公開發售。Tickets are now available at HK TICKETING
節目查詢Programme Enquiry:9370 2921
票務查詢及留座Ticketing and Reservation:31 288 288。
電郵 E-mail [email protected]
網址 Website www.


Three artists will be performing live at Cafe FLYING TEAPOT, a cozy cafe and beautiful event space as well, located in Ekoda, Tokyo, on Sunday, December 10. This event will be also the first meeting of the artists from three different countries.

As an artist, designer, and organiser, Yuen Chee Wai plays important roles in Singapore sound art / experimental music scene. He is a participating artist of Singapore Biennale 2006, in which he settled an installation work and also performed live in the opening night. This concert will be the underground leg for this artist who will also perform on the fifty-second floor in Roppongi Hills Mori Tower, and will be also his first opportunity to open his laptop in Tokyo onkyo scene.

“The King of Sampling” Carl Stone is one of the pioneers of live computer music, who keeps playing computer as solo and also with many other artists around the world since 1986(!) as well as having released many remarkable recordings. His latest performance in Tokyo entitled “ACID KARAOKE” with Min Xiao-Fen was full of groundbreaking humour. Another guise of this laptop virtuoso based in both Japan and USA is professor in Chukyo University.

Tokyo-born stunning drone-oriented bass guitar improviser Tamaru, who is also known as the leader of his band installing, is expanding his activities and getting much busier than before. In parallel with bass improvisation, he keeps producing electro-acoustic works since around 1990. Tamaru also passionately keeps organising events in Tokyo. Recent one of his “craziest” gigs was three duo performances by six notably unique bass players including Tamaru himself.

date: Sunday, December 10, 2006
open: 19:00 start: 19:30
B1F, Enomoto Bldg., 27-7, Sakae-cho, Nerima-ku, Tokyo

2pi festival 2006

time: 14:30-00:00 -25th, Nov, 2006
location: loft 49 -49 Hangyin Rd. , Gongshu District, Hangzhou


1+1+1 (Fuzhou)

Alessandro Bosetti (Germany)

Audrey Chen (US)

Ben Houge (US/Shanghai)

姚大钧 Dajuin Yao (US/Taipei)

D!O!D!O!D! (Hangzhou)

积木 Ji Mu (Hangzhou)

江立威 Jiang Liwei (Taipei)

李剑鸿 Li Jianhong (Hangzhou)

林志英 Lin Zhiying (Shenzhen)

livescope (Hangzhou)

Torturing Nurse (Shanghai)

王长存 Wang Changcun (Harbin)

张安定 Zafka (Beijing)

钟敏杰 Zhong Minjie (Guangzhou)

周沛 Ronez (Guilin)

New Vision Festival

Eclectic Tales from Mongolia

29th, 30th Oct

3rd Nov

a new eclectic music project with traditional, jazz and avantgarde musicans from Mongolia, China, Korea, Argentina, Germany, Sweden

commissioned by the Hong Kong Leisure and Cultural Services Department,Premiere at the Hong Kong New Vision Festival 2006

1.Li Chin Sung—————concept,composition,electronics,laptop,turntables
2.Park Je Chun————–drums and percussions
3.Valentin Garvie———–trumpet
4.Jonas Hellborg————bass, arrangement
5.Josef Novotny————keyboard
6.Ganbaatar Khongorzul —–long song
7. Damdin Gantulga ——–khoomii, bishguur
8.Nerguyi Naranbadrakh—khoomii ,morin khuur,tsuur
9. Kikhlai Burgedbaatar –———-morin khuur