Overlapping Discrete Boundaries Asia tour

Overlapping Discrete Boundaries – ASIA
The project will be developed during two phases in which will be explored several Asian cities. Alessandro Carboni, Dickson Dee and Laing Guo Jian will work in each city producing a multiform research using performance, installation, sound and video live set. Alessandro Carboni will use th “Urban proximity detector created in collaboration with Riccardo Mantelli. The research metarial will be re-combined and re-modulated those material in different interdisciplinary format.

Concept, performance, object-media base and video | Alessandro Carboni
Sound and music | Dickson Dee
Documentation | Laing Guo Jian
Urban proximity detector and software development | Riccardo Mantelli
Contributor for research | Elisa Poli | Wallace Chang (School of Architecture of Hong Kong )
Producer | Noise Asia (Hong Kong)
Co-procucer | Associazione Culturale Ouroboros (Italy)
Support | Fabbrica Europa – Firenze (Italy) LaDU/Lab. of Urban Density – Faculty of Architecture- Cagliari (Italy) | D3D_Master Didital Environment_NABA (Italy) | Abitare (Italy) | Newbleep MediaLab – Aosta (Italy)

ASIA – fase 1: 23/02 – 31/03
Foshan – Art Center Ninliho Gallery | Shenzhen – Dawang Culture Highland Shenzhen | Kuala Lumpur – Switch ON / Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Center | Singapore – Osage Gallery | Ho Chin Ming – Youth Center | Hanoi – Giang Vo Exhibition Center / Hanoi Sound Stuff Festival

ASIA fase 2: December 2010
Macau | Seoul | Tokyo | Bangkok | Hong Kong | Taipei
