"What Burns Never Return"-modern dance + music live performing

What Burns Never Return
from objective map to subjective mapping
project by Alessandro Carboni

For more than month, Alessandro Carboni has been in Hong Kong focusing his research around Platform#8 on Nga Tsin Wai village: one of the last ancient villages remained in Kowloon and Hong Kong at large. Taking this as a point of departure, Carboni examines local disappearing urban spaces, which overlap with several discrete boundaries within Kai Tak River, Kowloon Walled City and To Kwa Wan. The project reflects the renewed recognition that space matters to cutting edge practices, especially the analysis on urban and body transformation, making use of knowledge in choreography, urban geography and visual art.

from objective map to subjective mapping
27/6/ 2009 – 19/7/2009
Venue | 1a space Unit 14, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan, Kln (Hong Kong)

26/6/ 2009 (Fri), 7:30pm – 9:30pm @ 1a space

Searching for estimate space
Choreography and Installation | Alessandro Carboni
Performers | Song Nan, Cheung Sau King, Tsui Ivy Yik Chit, Tong Wai Chun Mayson
Music | Dickson Dee

Unrealistic figure between map and shadow
Choreography and Installation | Alessandro Carboni
Performers | Tsui Ivy Yik Chit, Tong Wai Chun Mayson
Music | Dickson Dee

The measurements as given position
Choreography and Installation | Alessandro Carboni
Performers | Song Nan, Alessandro Carboni
Music | Dickson Dee

Overlapping discrete boundaries. Kai Tak River, Kowloon Walled City and To Kwa Wan according to my personal geography
video, sound and editing | Alessandro Carboni
HD, 30 min, color, video-documentary

Hong Kong city: dynamic land for use and art interpretation
27/6/ 2009 (Sat), 11am – 1pm@ 1a space
Visual / media artists, choreographers and urban planners – including Choi yan-chi (Experienced Visual Artist), Prof. Chang Ping-hung (Architect) and Xing Liang (Resident Artist, City Contemporary Dance Company) – will sit down face-to-face with Carboni, and openly discuss the curious relations between urban transformation and different art practices.

LaDU_HK (Multimedia Lab of Urban Densit)
27/6/ 2009 (Sat), 2pm – 5pm;28/6/2009 (Sun), 2pm – 5pm@ 1a space
Inspired by the article “Terrae Incognitae: The Place of Imagination in Geography” by John K. Wright, Carboni aims to explore new methodological modalities in examining the relations between choreography, urban geography and visual art. (John K. Wright “Terrae Incognitae: The Place of Imagination in Geography”)


Concept, installation and choreography | Alessandro Carboni
Performers | Song Nan, King Sau Cheung, Ivy Tsui Yik Chit, Tong Wai Chun Mayson
Music | Dickson Dee
Production | Associazione Culturale Ouroboros (Italy)
Presenter | 1aspace (Hong Kong) www.oneaspace.org.hk
Programme Partner | CCDC – City Contemporary Dance Company (Hong Kong) www.ccdc.com.hk
Rehearsal space is partially sponsored by
 Partnership Programme, CCDC Dance Centre and CCDC
Support | LaDU/MultimediaLab. of Urban Density – DIARCH Department of Architecture- Cagliari (Italy)
D3D_Master Didital Environment_NABA (Italy)

1a space working team | Kiki Ho, Natasha Wong, Vangi Fong
Project Assistant | Bernice Lau
CCDC team | Raymond (Coordinator), Kevin (Assistant Coordinator)

Contributors for research | Wallace Chang (Department of Architecture, CUHK), Choi Yan Chi (1a space), Tse Yin Mo (Art Product Promotion), Anthony Siu Kwok-Kin (Research Institute of China. History and Department of Chinese), Wing Sze Blake (community Development), Leung sik-lun (Vice-president of Nga tsin Wai community)

[web]: www.alessandrocarboni.org
[email]: info@alessandrocarboni.org
[external relations]: alessia esposito
[blog]: www.wbnr.wordpress.com
: www.vimeo.com/ooffouro
[Ladu]: ladulab.wordpress.com