Zenlu – the future/CD


The Future
Zen Lu
Label:We Play! Records(www.weplayrec.cn)
Release:4th December 2007
1.When You Grow Up
2. Hammering in My Head
4.The Slow End of Nothing
5.At My Most Beautiful
6.Night Bird
All tracks composed by Zen Lu
Recorded in Sweden,Poland,China,June-October 2007
Mastered by Dickson Dee@Dicksonia Studio
Designed by Hei Lee@Altscape Creative(www.altscape.cn)
P+C 2007 We Play! Records

Zbigniew Karkowski & Atsuko Nojiri – Continuity DVD+CD


Zbigniew Karkowski & Atsuko Nojiri – Continuity – Asphodel

If any recording constitutes the sum total of an artist’s career to date, it is Continuity. Both a career overview and a glimpse into renown polish sound artist Zbigniew Karkowski’s promising future, the compositions on this hybrid release sample and re-interpret the entirety of the Tokyo resident’s rich catalogue of work. A master sound manipulator, Karkowski employs a variety of tools to process and rework original acoustic instrument recordings. The pieces presented on Continuity demonstrate Karkowski’s relentless attention to detail, and provide more than ample explanation for repeated invitations to perform at prestigious galleries, museums, and venues around the globe. The Continuity DVD contains visual interpretations of Karkowski’s compositions by Japanese video artist Atsuko Nojiri. Rather than simply functioning as graphic replications of the original musical works, all three of Nojiri’s pieces seamlessly wrap themselves around Karkowski’s sounds as though they were integral parts of their own larger multimedia compositions. In the process, Nojiri’s videos become independent of the original musical works that they purport to document. An argument for the indivisibility of sound and vision, or the emergence of a new aesthetic medium? Quite evidently, the answer is both. *The included CD contains over an hour of unreleased material by Karkowski:

CD:1. Mass-Flow-Rate – 26:10 2. Perceptor – 41:37

DVD:1. Float – 16:22 2. Tritonal Rapture – 10:53 3. Membrane – 14:18

Antimatter / Zbigniew Karkowski – "Divide by Zero"


"Divide by Zero" (CD) |afro2040|

TOUCHING EXTREMES (IT) I shouldn’t say that, but in 2008 Zbigniew Karkowski will be 50. It makes me feel older by the minute, thinking that I’ve been listening to his experiments for more than 20 years now. Thank goodness the man from Krakow doesn’t hint to stopping its quest, just like the other characters who have been collaborating with him and respond to the names of John Duncan, Francisco Lopez, Hafler Trio, Merzbow. As you can see, we’re talking seriousness here, not some adolescent who received a laptop as a gift for graduating and decided that he wanted to be a part-time noise monger. Xopher Davidson (Antimatter) is another trustworthy guy, having mastered records by the likes of Iannis Xenakis and explored the role of sound in various contemporary artistic ambits. The couple is not new to this kind of release (check the Sirr catalogue for example), but the energy deriving by their masterful juxtapositions of buzzing hums and throbbing frequencies is truly impressive. "Divide by zero" channels its intensity over the course of 52 minutes, in which changes of scenario – or of a single shade of whirr – are rarefied enough to get us lost in the kingdom of granulated brains for long blissful moments. As it happens in Phill Niblock’s music, one’s content of sitting there and sense the world sliding to complete nonsense, conscious that everything springs from that mother vibration from which the elected ones will be reabsorbed. It won’t take long, you see. The others keep wondering what’s going to happen and why they feel oh-so-bad, uselessly joining a group of brainless zombies, seeking help from wasted doctors who behave exactly the same, everybody helplessly trying to get noticed by those who have no time for them. Divide by zero, return to zero. Yet there’s still talk about "self-development", despite most people not even being able to articulate their own language. Massimo Ricci




导演:欧宁|摄影:黄伟凯,刘窗,固铁庆,陈矢,杨义飞,陈鸿翔,屠楠,欧宁|特别摄影:陈忠和,高小龙|平面摄影:舒赫,梁荣|剪辑:陆佳,欧新,欧宁 |配乐:李劲松 |翻译:李如一,张晴 |片名设计:黄立光|制作:别馆

05 年张永和策划的深圳城市\建筑双年展所带来的思考与果实还未被完全消化,07年的深圳香港城市\建筑双城双年展又要在马清运的主持下开锣了。《双年展!双 年展!!》是一部关于05年深圳城市\建筑双年展的纪录片,纪录了这个展览的筹办过程,采访了超过50位参展建筑师、艺术家和策展人,涉及这几年中国大 陆、台湾、香港和国际上对城市建设和生活策略的思考。将在07年深圳香港城市\建筑双城双年展中播出,并收入05年双年展的画册中公开发行。