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2005第三屆腦天氣影音藝術祭徵展 / 徵演
Weather In My Brain Sound – Visual Art Festival 2005

2003第一屆腦天氣在自強二八四替代空間,全部藝術家自發性參加。 2004第二屆腦天氣再華山藝文特區接連五天不間斷的前衛影音藝術饗宴。

活動涵蓋腦天氣影音藝術祭演出、腦天氣MV(音樂短片)影展、腦天氣影音藝術國際交流論壇、腦天氣影音藝術台灣 徵展/ 徵演等四大部分,並長期計畫建構台灣影像音樂創作交流平台。

最少一支 影/音作品,三支以上優先錄取。


※ 你是音樂人或影像藝術家找不到跨界交流機會嗎?想尋找夥伴一起報名腦天氣嗎?我們建構了 「台灣影像/音樂創作交流平台」,欲尋找跨界影音合作請上網登錄搜尋:http://www.weatherinmybrain.org/
※ 通訊報名請用本報名表附上影音作品光碟,寄到送件地點。影音作品格式限定DVD / VCD / MPEG / AVI / MOV格式。
※ 網路報名請用本報名表附上影音作品檔案或連結,寄到[email protected]
※ 音樂類型不限。演出形式 樂隊/DJ/個人 不限。

網址/報名表下載 http://www.weatherinmybrain.org/報名截止日期 請到http://www.weatherinmybrain.org/ 查詢相關消息
送件地點 11689臺北市興隆路二段153巷五弄八號之二
洽詢電話 T +886-2-2933-3431 F +886-2-2933-9377 Email [email protected]
主辦單位 氣象學工作站 默契音樂
執行單位 Happy Happy Promotion
贊助單位 國家文化藝術基金會 台北市政府文化局

Weather in My Brain Sound-Visual Art Festival 2005 Open call for entrees

2003 The first Weather in My Brain happens at the 284 Substitude Space, with a group of Taiwanese artists spontaneously taking part.

2004 The second Weather in My Brain at Huashan Arts District happens over five successive days, a banquet of avant-garde sound and visual art featuring Zbigniew Karkowski (Poland), Takagi Masakatsu (Japan), Dickson Dee (Hong Kong), Otomo Yoshihid (Japan), guitarist SXM (Czech), Keiji Haino (Japan), and several Taiwanese performers, including Weathermen and KbN.

2005 The third Weather in My Brain Sound-Visual Art Festival is set for December.The event will include four sections: Weather in My Brain Sound – Visual Art Festival Performance Series, Weather in My Brain Music Video Festival, Weather in My Brain International Sound – Visual Art Forum, and Weather in My Brain Taiwanese Open Exhibition/Performances. For the long term, it is also planned to establish a Taiwan Sound – Visual Artist’s Community.

Performance applications for Weather in My Brain Sound – Visual Art Festival:
Applicants must submit at least one video or sound work. Those submitting three or more will receive preference.
Those accepted will perform in a lineup of Taiwanese and international participants, be included in the festival catalogue, receive a pass to the festival, an invitation to the International Exchange Forum, a festival DVD, and other Weather in My Brain commemorative stuff.

Music video applications for Weather in My Brain Music Video Festival:
There is no limit to the number of music videos that may be submitted. Accepted works will be shown as part of the Weather in My Brain Music Video Festival and be included in the festival catalogue. Directors will receive a pass to the festival, an invitation to the International Exchange Forum, a festival DVD, and other Weather in My Brain commemorative stuff.

Application notes:
※ To apply by post, please use the form below and mail it to us along with optical discs containing your sound or video files. Audio-visual file formats are limited to: DVD, VCD, .mpeg, .avi, and .mov.
※ To apply by email, please fill out the form below and attach it along with your sound or video files, then send to : [email protected].
※ All music genres are allowed. All types of performances – bands, DJs, solo sets, etc. – are allowed. ※Are you a musician, sound artist, or video artist that can’t find a collaborator? Would you like to find a collaborator with whom to apply for Weather in My Brain? To help out, we’ve established the Taiwan Image Music Creative Exchange Forum. If you’re interested, feel free to log in to our site and do a search: http://www.weatherinmybrain.org/. (At present, in Chinese only)

Web site/ download application form: http://www.weatherinmybrain.org/
Application deadline: Deadline information will be posted on the web site.
Mailing address: #8-2, Alley 5, Lane 153, Sec. 2, Xinglong Rd, Taipei 11689
Telephone: +886-2-2933-3431
Fax: +886-2-2933-9377
Email [email protected]

Supervisory agencies: National Culture and Arts Foundation,Taipei City Culture Bureau
Organizer: Meteorology Studio Silent Agreement
Affiliate organizers: Happy Happy Promotion