Lee Hangjun:16mm Film Multi-Projection Performance and Improvisation (ft. Dickson Dee) 李幸俊16米厘多投影表演 (ft. 李勁松)

Date: 16 May 2012 (Wednesday)
Time: 19:00
Venue: Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre M1060 Multimedia Theatre

School of Creative Media of City University of Hong Kong is pleased to present “Lee Hangjun: 16mm Film Multi-Projection Performance and Improvisation (ft. Dickson Dee)” as part of the Spring Program media art events.

The Korean film projection artist – Lee Hangjun participates in two events during his stay in Hong Kong – a series of hand-drawn soundtrack workshops and his signature 16mm multi-projection performance on 16 May with Dickson Dee (Li Chin Sung), renowned Hong Kong-based sound artist.

Lee Hangjun: The Projectors and Film Walk 16mm Multi-Projection Performance

“The Projectors” (2011)
Throughout the history of cinema, we always see the countdown leader and hear the beep sound just before the start of a film. In this performance, we hear sound
and emotional residues from narrative cinema such as laughters, clapping, and cheering. The projectors become the protagonists in this performance, facing the audience.

“Film walk” (2011)
Film perforations are the holes placed in the film stock during manufacture and are used for transporting and steadying the film. Film perforations identify the material as a film strip. The artist loads the film reel, and the projector’s optical sound head reads the perforation as a sound and he draws the film strip while walking. People can see and hear him walk. The audience will be able to experience the film strip’s movement. This project keeps expanding with handmade perforations, escaping from the original film company’s material and returning back to the basic questions of the relationship between film material and projector.

Lee Hangjun: After Psycho Shower 16mm Optical Sound Head Performance and Improvisation (featuring Dickson Dee)

“After Psycho Shower” (2009-2012)
“After Psycho Shower,” a 16mm multi-projection piece employs the famous shower scene from Alfred Hitchcock’s “Psycho” (1960) and Tony Wu’s “Psycho” (2001), deconstructing all the cinematic elements by embracing various performative mystique techniques such as sound and image delay, dissolving colour, and time and space into the real physical performance space.

** Email reservation is needed. First-come First served. Free admission. Free seating.**
R.S.V.P., email: [email protected] / 9138 3854

For more details, please visit http://www.facebook.com/springprogram