ioioi live in hk dejavu

artists: IOIOI from Italy femail electronic+experimental
guest artists PNF, LWTV
date:6th Jan 07
time: 9:00pm

address:flat k, 1/f, po foo bldg.,no.1 foo ming st.,causeway bay, h.k.
tel : 23672302

来自意大利的女实验乐手IOIOI将用吉他 +人声演绎Experimental/ Electronica/Punk 等多种风格的作品( ,有作品试听和演出录像).另外 ,当晚参加演出的还有香港老牌工业噪音团体PNF ,独立女声+实验噪音的一夜。
IOIOI is the solo project by an italian girl. IOIOI plays guitars, laptop, bass, voice, no-words and toys. Her music is a kind of free form pop abstraction, vague guitar improvisation, alternating with laptop experimentalism. All is composed in one breath, improvised and collaged in an undefined lo-fi combination.

PNF 是一个由香港实验乐手 Li Chin Sung(李劲松)所领导的实验音乐组合。除Li
Chin Sung 外,其他均是非固定現場演成员。曾参与过该组合的包括已解散的台湾实验乐队零与声音乐解放组织成员、香港工业噪音乐队 Illuminated 666成员等。该组合成立以来一直与不同的艺术团体合作,为其艺术作品创作声音部分。首张专辑” PNF-1″ 发行于1994年,是与漫画创作团体”浮游 “合作,为其漫画制作配乐的第一部分。专辑以卡带及漫画书形式限量发行 38 套,现已绝版多时。PNF的音乐形式多样,根据与之合作的对象的需要融入具象音、工业噪音、采样拼贴等不同的风格。

LWTV,Music sounded like shit until I first heard the Velvets in my 15th year of existence. At the time I was living alone in Vancouver, Canada, sitting in a snowed apartment with one light and a crackling Fisher-price record player, and ever since I had been making irritable electric noise for my neighbours and friends to endure.
Growing up listening to Bob Dylan and The Beatles’ records of my dad, they never truly resonate with me. From the Velvet Underground, the education went on from Suicide to Jesus and The Mary chain; from P J Harvey to The Kills. What I found was the ever-present drone. Years later I finally and accidentally found Tony Conrad, the electric Violinist who first started it all along with The Velvets’ John Cale. I could never leave amplified strings then, and there is no going back.