there can't be two yous

1.there can’t be two yous 不可能有兩個你- warren buffett
2.when people screw up,give them a second chance 當人們把事情搞砸了,給他們第二次機會- richard branson
3.don’t trust, just verify 不要去相信,而是要去證實- steven levitt
4.don’t be interesting—be interested 不要老是想如何才會有趣,而是令自己真正的培養出興趣- jim collins
5.educate and obey your conscience培育和聽從你的良知 – stephen r.covey
6.there’s something bad in everything good and something good in everything bad 吉處藏凶,凶處藏吉-michael lewis
7.never bow to precedent 不要崇拜先例-bary hamel
8.make hiring a top prioity招聘工作為優先考慮的事 – steve ballmer