
is a pocket-size, custom-made controller for Ableton Live, one of the most creative music programs in recent history. Many different control elements are integrated into this controller. This combination is the real strength of the LV1. This inexpensive controller unifies track-fader, pots, buttons, joystick, encoder, and cross-fader in a very compact form. As of Live version 2.0, you can use the LV1 immediately by using the settings file which is shipped with the controller – without the lengthy process of programming each separate control element. Start the fun with modern sequencing.

The LV1 can also be used with other programs. It is suited well for software sequencers due to its architecture/layout. You can not program the LV1 or assign controller numbers or key numbers, but that is a function that is rarely needed with current programs.

The LV1 is very compact and easy to transport, and you do not even need the mains adapter, it works with standard and rechargeable batteries.

is a custom-made, pocket-size controller for use with Ableton Live, one of the most creative music programs in recent history. It was designed as a supplement to our micromdul LV1. While the LV1 offers all faders, pots, and a joystick, the LX1 offers a total of 256 key functions for controlling tracks and clips. All this is achieved with 64 buttons. These buttons have the same colour scheme as the LV1 . All track control functions are immediately accessible for 8 tracks. Another strength of the LX1 is the possibility to start 64 slots/scenes (up to 128 are even possible by using the shift/switch function). Track control functions and slot start functions can also be mixed among the keys/buttons – configure it according to your personal needs.

As of Live version 2.0, you can use the LX1 immediately by using the settings file which is shipped with the controller – without the lengthy process of programming each separate control element. Modern sequencing – made fun!

The LX1 can also be used with other programs. It is suited well for software sequencers due to its architecture/layout. This instrument can be used everywhere where you need a compact instrument to send switch commands via midi. You can not program the LX1 or assign controller numbers or key numbers, but that is a function that is rarely need with current software.

The LX1 is very compact and easy to transport, and you do not even need a mains adapter since it works with standard and rechargeable batteries.

is a small DJ controller that contains everything you need for computer-based mixing. This controller differs from all other controllers on the market in that it does not contain more or less control elements than are needed for classic DJ mixing – and all that, in the usual layout of a DJ-mixer. Of course, a controller can do a lot more than a normal mixer, so we made a whole row of control buttons. The DJ1 is not a universal controller. It is a specialist for Djing. As of Traktor DJ-Studio version 2.0, you can use the DJ1 immediately by using the settings file which is shipped with the controller. Modern Djing – made fun!

The DJ1 can also be used with other programs. We even made a special configuration file for Ableton Live as of version 2.0 which is just as fun. The file can be found on our CD. You can not program the DJ1 or assign controller numbers or key numbers, but that is a function that is rarely need with current software.

The DJ1 is very compact and easy to transport, and you do not even need a mains adapter since it works with standard and rechargeable batteries.